Golden Globe success

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Ben gave me a kiss and went to leave. "I'll be back sometime tomorrow. Have fun with the twins". He leant down to my stomach. "Bye babies". He kissed me again and left.

I sat on the couch, chocolate and popcorn ready. Tonight the Golden Globes were being broadcast live. Ben was there and he promised me a surprise. Every celebrity walked down the red carpet. Ben blew a kiss to the camera.

"Aww your daddy is so cute.He blew a kiss to you two". I said to the twins. I thought that was his surprise. Later in the night Merryl Streep was taking a photo with somebody and I saw Ben jump behind them. His face was priceless. I laughed. He probably was going to have a headache on the flight back. The last time he did this he was really drunk.

He texted me at about one o'clock the next morning saying he was almost home. I waited for him to knock at the door. It was about 3 when he actually got home. He stumbled inside and I helped him into bed. He mumbled something and went straight to sleep. I put a bucket next to his head and opened twitter on my phone. I scrolled until I found the photo I wanted. I saved the photo and printed it. I put it on the nightstand next to Ben. Then I went to sleep.

At lunch time I heard someone in the bathroom. Ben was in there puking up last night's drinks. "Awww honey now double that and you know how I feel". He looked up at me, his eyes showing how much pain he was in. I sat next to him. Was he that sick? I called an ambulance and helped him up. The paramedics came in and I yelled "In here". They picked Ben up and I followed them with a bucket.

In the elevator Ben's eyes rolled into the back of his head. He slipped in and out of conscienceness. I screamed and cried. I thought he was going to die.

We all got in the ambulance at the door downstairs. I sat in the back traumatised. He woke up and relief washed over me.

The hospital was closed to public because Ben's arrival would not go unnoticed. Doctors rushed him away and hurried to find out what was wrong with him. I called Sky and Mel first. I wanted them with me. Then while waiting for them to get there I called Jocelyn, Matt,David (who told Billie), Arthur,Karen, John, Catherine and Jenna. They all said they wanted to see him but I told them to wait until I called so we knew he was ok.

Minutes felt like hours. I was terrified. Mel and Sky were by my side. Finally a doctor came to talk to me. "He is fine. Someone spiked his drink with a deadly poison. Most of it was removed when he was throwing up so the rest didn't affect him too bad. He will be fine in a day or two. He is awake so you can see him now".

I walked in and saw my baby hooked up to tubes and needles poking out everywhere. I couldn't stand to see him like this. I sat down next to his bed. He tried to talk but gave up. I just sat stroking his arm.

That only lasted a minute as I couldn't stay in the room any longer. It hurt to see him so sick. I called the others and said they could see him. Jocelyn was here first. I offered to babysit Charlie. I told Ben and he nodded. I couldn't stay and he knew.

It didn't take long to get to Jocelyns. A male in his mid 30's answered the door. "Can I help you"? Charlie ran out from the living room and ducked under his legs. She clung to me. "This is Aunty Rosie, Uncle Chris. Mummy went to see her husband". He opened the door far enough to let me in.

I sat down on the floor.Charlie brought all her toys to the lounge room and dumped them on the floor next to me. I picked up a doll and a brush. I brushed the dolls hair. Charlie sat with some Lego and instructions. She was making a car. Charlie needed help so I helped her read the instructions.

We finished about a hour later. Then Charlie put Doctor Who on. It was Matt Smith's second season with Clara as compainion. Even Chris sat and watched it. He loved it but kind of hid it because he thought I might judge him. "I love Doctor Who so much. My friend got me a Doctor Who jumpsuit for the baby. Do you like it"? He laughed. "Like it? No. I love it. I waited for four hours to see David Tennant and Catherine Tate and they stopped letting people through when it was my turn". I knew Catherine and David would say yes if I asked them to meet Chris. "You should come over to my house Sunday". He looked at Charlie and she smiled wickedly. "Yeah it will be fun. Who is your husband"? Charlie picked up a Sherlock dvd and pointed to Ben.

"Wow. Your really married to Benedict Cumberbatch"? I nodded. "Jocelyn is at the hospital with him now. I felt sick and Jocelyn said Charlie would be happy to see me. Speaking of Ben, I better go". I gave Chris my number and said goodbye to Charlie.

Not many people were at the hospital when I got there. It was only Matt, David,Billie and Jocelyn. Everyone else had come and gone. They all had bloodshot eyes. I hugged them all. They all started to leave but I remembered something. "David can you come over Sunday? Can you call Catherine and invite her over too"? He nodded with a confused expression on his face. "Jocelyn can you bring Chris over to our house"? She winked and agreed. Then they left.

I went to get something to eat. Subway was a street away so I went there. It was so nice to eat since I had not eaten all day. I walked back to the hospital. I arrived at Ben's room as a doctor was talking to him. He gestured for me to sit and the doctor explained everything to us. Ben had to stay tonight for observation. They had a bed next to Ben's that would be mine.

I didn't get much sleep. I watched Ben the whole time. If he got up I was over at his bed asking what he wanted. "I want you to stop worrying about me. Now go to sleep". I tried but the bed was uncomfortable. I scrolled through Twitter and Tumblr. There were lots of get well wishes to Ben. I tweeted saying he would be out tomorrow and soon he would be back to his usual smart-arse self. A producer of Doctor Strange asked when he would be back. I called him and said he would have to ask Ben.

Steven Moffat texted Ben at about 7 o'clock the next morning. I read it. "Hey Ben. Heard you were not well. Hope you feel better soon. We need you for Sherlock filming and PR when you are ready just let me know. Love you, get better soon". There was another from Mark Gatiss. "Hello again Benedict. I hope you feel better soon. We need you back on set soon. Get better soon". There was one from Martin Freeman. "Hey mate. Heard someone poisioned you. That's too bad. We miss you on the set of Sherlock. I'll see you at your place Sunday". I went to the Starbucks down the street.

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