Tia- My christmas present

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I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. No not now. I still have a couple of weeks left. I got out of bed and woke Ben. "Ben, grab the bag. I think Tia wants to come early". He rushed to grab the bag we prepared for this day. He helped me to the car. I think this was the first time I was thankful we had a sports car.

We drove to the back of the hospital where security and a wheelchair were waiting. The contractions were getting worse. I was wheeled to a private birthing suite. The worlds best doctors were waiting to assist me.

Ben was so calm. He was there the whole time. The doctors decided it would be best if I was to have a caesearean.

I met Tia-Grace Cumberbatch at 5 am on the 25th of December. She was my Christmas present. I held her as the sun rose. Ben grabbed her from me and I fell asleep to the perfect image, a father cuddling his newborn daughter.

It was about 1 when I actually woke up. Tia had been changed into her Sherlock jumpsuit with Deer stalker. Ben had brought his deer stalker too and they both looked adorable. I reached for my phone and snapped a picture. "Afternoon. I didn't know you were awake". I held my arms out and Ben put Tia in them. "I just got up. I didn't sleep at all though because I was too excited to meet my precious little girl. Hello Tia. I am your mummy and this is your daddy. We are going to take really good care of you". I kissed her forehead. She started crying and Ben took her. I went to get up but Ben stopped me. "You had a caesearean. It is a major surgery.Your scar has to heal for six weeks before you get do anything. I will deal with it". He leaned over and kissed me.

When he came back he had changed Tia into her Doctor Who jumpsuit. He had also taken the deerstalker off. He tickled Tia's tummy and she started to giggle. It was the sweetest sound I had ever heard.

I called everyone in my contacts: Matt,Sky,Ben(accidently),Mel,John,Arthur,Karen,Jenna,Billie,David,Steven,Mark,Catherine,Martin,Amanda,Jocelyn and Chris.

I finally got to meet Daisy, Arthur's girlfriend,John's husband,Karen's boyfriend,Jenna's boyfriend, Steven's wife,Chris' wife and talk to Sky's fiancee a bit more. It was a bit awkward because all these strangers were with me on the day of my daughters birth but I was glad to finally meet them all or get to know them better.

Once everyone left I went back to sleep and Ben had Tia. He was going to be a great dad. I could tell from the last couple of hours. It was going to be different with a baby around the house.

I was able to go home the next day. I sat in the back of Ben's new Ford Territory. It was a metallic green. Tia was strapped into her car seat next to me. The car lulled her to sleep. I caressed her head. She was so cute.

The car trip was short. I unstrapped Tia from her car seat. Ben picked her up and she yawned. Ben grabbed all the stuff and we walked into our apartment as a family. I kept wondering how this would be different if Brax was here. Tia coughed and brought me out of my daydream.

I sat in the rocking chair by the window. Ben came and sat on the floor next to me. "It's still hard to believe this little girl is ours. It doesn't feel real". I just sat there smiling.

She fell asleep and Ben put her in her cot. Ben turned the baby monitor on and helped me up. I snuggled into my warm bed. My eyelids grew heavy and eventually I gave into sleep.

I slept until 10 the next morning. I made my way to the kitchen. Tia was sitting happily in her high chair. Ben was watching her closely while attempting to make a breakfast wrap. I stood by Tia. "Morning everybody. How is my little angel this morning? Did she sleep ok"? He turned to face me. "She slept well. Didn't wake me too much. Did you get some sleep"? I nodded and went to get my wrap. I sat on the stool next to Tia's high chair. I turned her chair to face me. She pulled faces and blew raspberries. "Ben did you teach her that"? I saw him try and busy himself. "No". He put Tia's breakfast in front of her. He thought I wasn't looking and gave Tia a high five. Great now I have 2 children to take care of.

I dumped some of Tia's toys on the floor of her room. I placed Tia in a stack of pillows so she would be held upright. We played with the toys until Ben came in. He helped me up. "I am going for a walk". I waved to Tia. "Bye sweetie". Ben grabbed my arm."Don't overdo things ok? I don't want you getting picked up by one of our friends because you pushed too hard". He picked up a copy of "The adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and started to read to Tia. I changed and grabbed my case for my phone. I had one of those ones that were made for when you were doing physical activity.

I walked out of our apartment block and security were everywhere. It turns out the fans had been posting on Twitter about Tia and Ben had called them to keep us safe. He was so thoughtful. Fans were lining the streets and I hid out near the bistro next to the apartment block.

I put my headphones in, careful about the volume of my music. I also put up my hood and zipped my jacket up as far as it would go. I started to walk. I had no idea where but I just kept walking. By the time I stopped I was at Mel's place.

I pressed the intercom for her flat. "Hello" she wearily said. Shit, I had just woken her. "Hey sis, sorry to wake you. I just went for a walk and just kind of ended up here". The blanket on her bed could be heard moving. "You didn't wake me. I'll buzz you up". The groaning of the mechanics was loud and a click was heard. I opened the door and went up to Mel's flat.

Mel was "casually" sitting on the couch. "Hey Rosie. Are you allowed to excersise after having a caesearean just 2 days ago"? I shook my head. "I shouldn't but I want to lose the baby weight before Billie's wedding. She said the bridesmaids wouldn't have matching dresses so I could be comfortable in my dress". She looked me up and down. "What baby weight? There never was anything of you and there isn't anything of you now. Eat more meat or I will force feed it to you". I laughed. Ever since I can remember Mel was my mum. She would wait up for me after my dates, stay awake until I was home and feed,cook and clean for me. We caught up like teenagers who hadn't seen each other for months.

I walked home and security were still everywhere. Fans were still lining the streets and about twenty more security guards were called in to help. One escorted me into the lobby and another from the elevator to our apartment door. Two guards were standing at the door.

I walked in and Ben was rocking Tia to sleep. He put Tia in her room and appeared back in the kitchen. "Ben, this is crazy. Call the security off". He picked up his phone,reluctantly, and called the head of his security team. I looked out the window and all the security guards left. "Thankyou. Oh I have something for you". I pulled out his Christmas present. "Sorry it's late. I haven't really had time in the last couple of days to give it to you". He ripped it open. "A signed copy of Les Miserables. How on Earth did you find this"? I wasn't going to tell him about my constant Ebay searching. In the end I had to go to a book publisher and pay heaps to get it. "You don't need to know. You love it and I would do anything to get it for you".

He handed me a beautifully wrapped box. "Merry Christmas babe". I pulled open the lilac ribbon. Carefully opening the box, I gasped. It was a manuscript from Nicholas Sparks. A note on the top read "Dear Rosalyn, Benedict contacted me saying you were a fan of mine. This manuscript is a thankyou for your support. My number is also on this note as Ben told me you have also been writing. Feel free to send me anything you write. Ben is an old friend and I always have time for old friends. Yours sincerely, Nicholas Sparks".

I nearly attacked Ben. "I love you. Nicholas Sparks, the greatest romance writer to ever live, told me to send him my work. You are fantastic, brillant. I could kiss you". That's exactly what I did...until Tia started to cry.

Ben rolled his eyes. "She is so demanding. She gets that from me". He smiled, glad that Tia had inheireted one of his traits. I laughed and went to help him.

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