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Ben offered to let Jocelyn and Charlie fly back in his jet. Charlie was so excited as usual. It was a long flight so Ben made a whole area for Charlie. It was near us so we could always be near her. It had toys,books,movies, games and a double bed for Charlie when she wanted to sleep.

Charlie had been tucked into bed after a long two hours playing with her toys and watching Sherlock. Ben even invited her and Jocelyn to set. She then went to bed and we all tucked her in.

Heading back to our seats we all fell asleep. Ben woke me after a couple of minutes to drag me to a private bed. We got into pjs and just chatted. "Rosie, Jocelyn told me that Charlie has been deducing. She said you were pregnant". I started to laugh then stopped. "She was right. Sorry you had to find out through a clever 5 year old". He kissed me. "Its ok. I am just so happy. You need to meet my parents. Me and Sky need to get to know each other more too. Too early for names"? I laughed and pulled out my phone. "I beat you to it. Started when I was 6". He started to scroll through my note of boys and girls names.

"Got one. Tia Grace Cumberbatch. For a boy, Braxton Scott Cumberbatch". I nodded. "Anything you pick is perfect". I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep.

I woke up to the speaker going off. "Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We are approaching the runway". I slowly got to my seat and clicked myself in. I saw everyone do the same.

"Jocelyn I insist". I heard Ben shout from his seat. "Fine" Jocelyn sighed in defeat. Ben walked over with a triumphant grin on his face. "Rosie, Jocelyn is going to stay at our place for the night. We are going to meet her there, she has to get stuff for Charlie and herself. In the meantime we could get you moved in". I mouthed "ok" and we went to my flat. Sky was going home because she wasn't feeling well so no one was there. We packed as much stuff as we could into his green Lambo. Getting into the car we drove back to his apartment.

He put all my stuff in my new room. Then he pulled me into his room and closed the door. We made our way to the bed. He kissed me and threw off his shirt. It didn't last long as there was a knock at the door. "Ughh. I waited for ages to do that. Now we have to wait till tomorrow". He got up to answer the door.

Jocelyn giggled and blushed as Ben opened the door. He looked down. "I am proud of this ok"? She took a deep breath. "If you got it flaunt it". I stood at the frame of the bedroom door.I burst out laughing. Charlie ran over and grabbed my legs signalling she wanted to be picked up. As I did she patted my tummy. "Hello baby. I am you aunty Charlie". Then she jumped down. Ben took Charlie into the kitchen to make cookies.

Jocelyn went straight to bed. Charlie watched Doctor Who with us.She slept on the plane so she wasn't tired. We stupidly showed her the episode with the weeping angels. She cuddled up to Ben and during the scary parts she would bury her head in Ben's chest. She fell asleep cuddled up to Ben. He was asleep too so I went to his bedroom and slept in his bed.

The New Years Party (Benedict Cumberbatch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now