The countdown begins

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There is a week until New Years and everything is ready thanks to my assistant Harrison Phoenix Carter. He helped alot both at work and when things were stressful at home. For the last year he has been so patient with me so tonight I am going to reward him with a midnight kiss.

The party starts and the celeb guests come flooding in. Beyonce, Ed Sheeran and Chris Martin are part of this huge guest list. By far the people I am most excited about are Steven Moffat, Martin Freeman and the most gorgeous man on the planet, Benedict Cumberbatch. That adorable face. Calm the fuck down Rosalyn. I hope I "bump" into him.

A minute before the ball drops I find Harri. The countdown begins. 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. I passionately kiss him and wink at him. "Thank you and Happy New Year". A hard slap stings my face. "How dare you kiss my boyfriend you slut". My eyes open wide in shock. Boyfriend? "You have a girlfriend? How dare you lead me on like that". He shrugs and mouths "Sorry". I run away from the arguing couple. I reach the balcony and I feel a sharp pain around my neck. I accidently walked into someone and their glass broke. He looks at me. "Are you ok? Here let me help you to first aid". He grabs me around the waist and throws my arm around his shoulder. I laugh. "I didn't hurt my legs. I can walk on my own". He lets go.

We walk to first aid. He stays as the shards of glass are removed. Little scars appear after the wounds are clean. "You didn't have to stay". He smiles sadly. "I am so sorry. It was an accident. My name is Benedict Cumberbatch but people call me Ben". My mind malfunctions for a split second. Of course, how did I not see that? "I am sorry if I caused you pain. Those scars are going to be there forever, taking you to first aid was the least I could do. Is there anything else I can do"? I tried to shake my head but I groaned in pain. "My name is Rosalyn Belle Smith but people call me Rosie.
If it's not too much of a hassle could you drive me home please"? He nodded. Strolling to the carpark I noticed a green Lamborgini with upwards opening doors. "I wish I could have a car like that", I said gesturing to the Lambo. "Sherlock alone paid for that car". He unlocked the car and opened the passenger door. "After you". I sat in his car giving him directions to my house. I was amazed at his car. He saw my shocked expression. "It's beautiful isn't it"? Reclining seats this was the life. "Yeah". We got to my house and I almost refused to get out of the car. "Maybe sometime I could pick you up and we could go for a drive". He was going to take me in his car again. "Yeah. Hey Ben would you like to come inside for a drink". He hesitated. "Maybe you should get some sleep and we could go out tomorrow". He scribbled his number down and drew a love heart next to it. "Goodnight Rosalyn". He hopped in his car and sped off.

I slipped my pajamas on and got into bed. My mind already had poured pictures of Ben into my head. A deep sleep fell over me.

The New Years Party (Benedict Cumberbatch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now