Wedding plans and unexpected surprises

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Planning a wedding was hard and expensive. Charlie wanted to help and so did Sky. This caused problems as we all wanted different things. To make matters worse I was disappearing to throw up when we needed to make important decisions.

Eventually we all got what we wanted. We decided on a wedding at Central Park. We decided on the 21st of May, which was 2 months away. All we needed was outfits and catering.

We picked a local catering business. Then I called my bridal party (Mel, Sky Charlie and Jocelyn). They all met me at a dress shop in the city. Ben and his party went to get their tuxes. I tried on every dress in the shop until finally a dress caught my eye. Getting into it with the help of the girls, I spun around. It was a gorgeous long sleeved white sequined number.

Walking out to show the others Mel started to cry. "Mum would be so proud. I am and so is Sky. We love you Rosie. If Ben forgets that make sure you don't. Know we will always love you no matter what you do". Mel gives me a sisterly hug and wipes away her tears.

We then move onto the bridesmaid dresses. The girls picked out some lovely dresses but we ended up going with Charlie's suggestion of gorgeous pale purple long sleeved gowns with sequined bra-like tops. They looked stunning.

We all went back to Sky's place. We sat and all had a glass of wine(obviously not Charlie. She had apple juice).A text alert came from my phone. Don't come home yet. I have a early birthday present for you. Ben. I texted him back. My birthday isn't until May. He replied within seconds.
Did you forget the date of our wedding? Your birthday. I thought we might be extremely busy so I planned something tonight. Aww so sweet. From this little gesture I knew we were perfect for each other. I showed the girls, but instantly regretted it as they were all single and I had met the love of my life. They all cooed. They then raised their glasses as I did the same. "To Ben and Rosies happy lives together". I laughed. Sky then stood up. "I have some news of my own. I met someone. His name is Harrison and we are engaged. I have been keeping him secret in case it didn't work out. Sorry. Also your baby might have a cousin to play with, I'm pregnant as well"! We made her tell us everything about him and the baby and living arrangements. I was getting tired so I text Ben. Is it ok to come home? Yeah its ok now. I drove to our apartment and saw Ben sitting at the kitchen table. A bowl of food sat in front of him. One for me sat next to him. "You didn't have to get me anything for my birthday. Your love is enough". He laughed. "You'll love it I promise". He pulled me into the movie room. A Doctor Who episode was playing. Banners hung with TARDIS' flying through the words "Happy Birthday". Blue streamers were everywhere. "Surprise" was yelled by more than one person. I looked and the old and new cast of Doctor Who was there. David Tennant, Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper, John Barrowman, Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan,Jenna Coleman and Catherine Tate were all standing on a small stage at the front. I had never kissed Benedict so passionately. I ran down and screamed. They all took one big photo with me. Then all the doctors, then all the companions. I loved them all so I didn't know who I should introduce myself to first. John came over first. I introduced myself to him and he kissed my hand. We talked about everything.

After meeting everybody and socialising we had cake. It was a Sonic Screwdriver. It was amazing white chocolate. Ben announed his engagement and my pregnancy to them all. Jenna, Karen,Billie, Catherine and John came over to me. They started to hug me. I made a speech and thanked everyone for coming. Ben had a ball as well.

When people started to leave I stood at the door. As each one walked out they recieved a hug and kiss on the cheek. John ,being the cheeky little flirt he is, "accidently" moved when I kissed him so it was lip to lip. I rolled my eyes. It was surprisingly good. Ben looked over and I pointed to John.

The last people to leave were Matt and David. We sat down,had some drinks and discussed a range of topics from upcoming roles to Doctor Who. I snuggled up to Ben and listened as they all talked. Slowly sleep became too hard to resist.

I felt two kisses on my forhead as Ben slowly got up to see our last guests out. The door was quietly closed and a blanket was draped over me. Ben turned off the light and kissed me goodnight.

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