The worst patient

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We arrived at home and I helped Ben out of the car. He grabbed his stuff and we went to our apartment.

He sat on the couch. "Are you hungry?". He nodded and went to get up. "Sit back down. I will get it on one condition". He thought then agreed. "You have to take care of me like this when Tia is born". He shook his head. "How about I take care of Tia like this when she is born"? I agreed because this meant no late night feeds for me.

I made his favourite, homemade chicken nuggets. He gladly took the plate I handed him. "Babe can you get me a drink please"? I got him a drink and went to sit down for my dinner. This was my first encounter with the Hell that awaited me. I sat with him after dinner and he fell asleep.

He became a better patient by day three. He was less demanding and realised he could still walk so he started to do things on his own. He was constantly bored and missed work. I put Netflix on and moved the Xbox in the lounge room. When I came home he was always sitting in the same spot on the couch. I finally found out how he broke his ankle at  a  photo shoot. "I had to get on a motorbike and as I was getting off I accidently kicked the stand and the bike crushed my ankle". Only Ben could do that. "You are a clumsy dork". He gave me a smug smile. "You love me". I pretended to think about it. "I know I do".

Steven and I decided to get Ben back to work. Steven was going to write an episode where Ben only had to speak. He called later that day saying he had finished and they were filming tomorrow.

At about 10 o'clock that morning Ben received a package. It was the script. Attached to the envelope was a note. "Dear Ben, we miss you and we heard you were missing us too. This episode you only have to narrate due to your injury. You have your wife to thank as she called to inform us of your boredom. Hope you haven't shot any walls. PS bring Rosie as she has a job to do tomorrow. Sincerely Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat". He hobbled over to me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into one of the most passionate kisses I have ever had. "You are amazing and I love you. You are too good to me". I pecked him on the cheek and snatched the script out of his hands. Ben followed me as I sat on the bed and opened the envelope. "The Watson reunion. Sounds good. I wonder who will be playing Harry". I flicked to the casting page. Steven must have made a mistake. Surely it was a typo or something. Ben made his way over to me and followed my gaze to the script. He burst into laughter as he read. I had an acting job as Harry Watson.   


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