Chapter 7

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Ophelia Pov.

I run but i suddenly bump into a person the person fell down i look down to see the old lady the looks oddly familiar.

"Oh i am so sorry mrs i wasn't looking please forgive me" i said helping her up.

"It's alright sweetie but why are you crying what wrong" she said pick up her fallen stuff i help her.

"I was running because i want to get away" i said i not going to the her rest of the true i going lie.

"What or who you were running from maybe i could help you" she said smiling.

"My my bestfriend betray me she was sleeping with my boyfriend" i said lying through teeth.

"Oh that must hurt now come with me i make you feel better" she said walk to a car i follow her because i need to get away.

Her car so cute and small.

After minutes of driving she stop infront of small lovely home.

"Come honey lets go inside i will make you soms soup to make you feel better" she said walking out the door.

I follow her she opens the door we walk in she put her stuff away she went  toward ths kitchen.

The house is cozy and homey.

I start looking around i pick up to see a family picture.

I smile but then my smile drop when i saw a girl holding justin my ex fiance hands i drop the photo frame i run out the door.

How could no know she look like the girl that saw on Justin phone i ask him about he just told me it his friend.

Suddenly a car stop infront of me i look up to see.

If you want to find out keep reading .

Will update soon

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