Chapter 1 - Stunned

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It was a fine morning.

Where in the birds would fly and huddle on the grasses, looking for worms, where in the cold mist would slowly subside because of the sun rising from the horizon. Anybody would feel that comfortable atmosphere and the dimly lit streets.

A tall, blonde woman stood in her balcony; her hair is tied into a high ponytail and she is wearing a casual three-fourth, white polo shirt and black slacks with black shoes to match. She has a cup of coffee on hand as her blue eyes peered down into the streets, where there are now a few people coming out to either go to work or do their morning runs.

The woman finally smiled as she took a small sip of her coffee while she continued to observe further of her surroundings with the gentle wind caressing her face.

"First week of college. First week of living alone. I wonder what life awaits me here in Tokyo?" She muttered as she closed her eyes halfway, seemingly anticipating of the new day ahead. The sun is almost up when she finished her cup and she went back into her room to get ready.

It took her around 30 minutes to get to her university, and as she looked around, she couldn't help but be at awe as she witnessed the tall buildings, which looked similar to museums. Along with it, she saw the vast garden-like, open space in the middle of the entire university, where there is a huge statue of Amaterasu, placed at the center of the field. On one side of the space, there is another building, which is open and has a high roof, there are also bleachers settled on three sides of the space, leaving one side open as a form of entrance.

Whoa... Eli's mind began to wander around that small part of the campus with her eyes glimmering in anticipation and with a wide, opened mouth to match.

"A fly might enter your mouth, you goofball." A voice said from behind her and the blonde immediately turned towards the speaker,

"Nico! You're here early!" Eli responded with a bright smile.

"As much as I want to chime in with your energy, I couldn't, right now. Jeez, it is cold out here!" Nico shivered as she hugged herself for warmth.

"But, you're wearing your jacket." The blonde blinked.

"Shut up! I have a cold, too, ya know!?" Nico sniffed and the short, bubbling sound could be heard as a proof.

The other chuckled, "Should I get some medicines for you?"

"No, thank you. I already got one. By the way, do you already know where you're going from here on? This university is really large!"

"That's true. I'm still trying to get used to it but I will be able to make it into my first class on time. Maki will meet me here later."

"Hello! Maki is a pre-medicine major and you are a criminal justice major. How are you guys supposed to be in the same class together?!" Nico crossed her arms.

"I'm surprised you know what course I took." Eli blinked.

"I am also surprised that you would take such a thing. Everyone knows that you do best in paperwork and handling managerial stuffs and would focus on business or something."

Eli chuckled, "Surprise, surprise, then."

"What made you choose that, though?"

"Hmm," Eli pondered by diverting her eyes elsewhere with her eyebrows furrowed, making a small crease on her forehead, "as a former student council president, I want to protect people and give them a safe haven, where they can be themselves. I want to reach a greater height when it comes to saving people and this is what I had come up for."

"Jeez, Eli, you sound like a superhero or something but I don't mind your ambition to that. Good luck, though! And oh! We should have lunch with a friend of mine later, you will love her!"

"Oh? First day of school and you are already nudging me to a blind date?" Eli teased with a small laugh.

"It's not a blind date if I am third-wheeling it." Nico definitely burned Eli on that one.

The blonde finally gave a full and louder laughter, which sounds music to anyone's ears due to its soft and rhythmical tones, "Jeez, you are having your cycle, I suppose."

"I just finished mine last week, thank you. Now, I will go on ahead, I have to meet a few more people up!" Nico waved as she walked passed by the taller woman.

Eli turned to watch the other leave with a smile on her face before she let her feet drag her towards the open building and sat on one of the bleachers beside the entrance.

Moments later, a woman passed by the building, together with another woman with blue hair, walking beside her.

The woman had long, purple hair, tied into two low ponytails. Her turquoise orbs focused on her friend's golden ones. They were chatting casually, similar to the ones Nico and Eli just had.

"Really, now? Why not search into those online stores or ask Hazeltine about it? She's extremely knowledgeable about those things." Said the one with long, blue hair.

"Though, if I asked her then she would literally ask Yuri to buy that one for me." Answered the woman with purple hair.

"Fair point and it is beyond my knowledge to why she would have her buy such things when she is also wealthy."

"Rich people don't know what to do with their money." The purple-haired giggled.

"Did you know that I had to scold Yuri because she would always spend her fortune? We had a long talk last night."

"And she ended up going to the condominium she bought you just to apologize to you all night, I have heard about it from Nico-chi."

"Wha-?!" The blue-haired woman could feel her cheeks heating up that she had to look away out of embarrassment, "I-I had already forgiven her even before she went to the condo!"

"Awwww, Umi-chi is blushing!" Nozomi laughed as she diverted her attention elsewhere. She sooner caught a glimpse of Eli and that caused her to look at the said woman with her smile dropping.

Eli's eyes looked serious enough as she reads a book quietly. She seems to be focusing on it to the point that no one could disturb her.

Nozomi blinked as she stared up at the blonde for a little more, without realizing that her eyes are glistening with admiration and before she knew it, she had stopped walking, allowing Umi to pass by while she was blabbering.

Ahh.. she's beautiful.. I wonder what her major is. Nozomi's said at the back of her mind.

Umi sooner realized that her friend is not beside her anymore and stopped in her tracks to look back, finding the awestruck Nozomi, she raised an eyebrow and looked at where she was looking then back at her.

Jeez.. this woman.. Umi thought before she called out for Nozomi,

"Nozomi! We will be late!"

Nozomi blinked as she came back to reality before turning her head towards Umi, "R-Right! Sorry about that!" She replied as she quickly paced up and followed Umi. They then, began walking again towards their school building.

The purple-haired looked over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of the blonde one more time before a thought sprung up:

Will I ever see her again?

Despite the odds stacked against it, since the university is vast, her mind added,

I hope we will.

A/N: AAAAAAAAA finally it's hereeee!!! Hope you guys like it! Updates will be every Saturdays and Sundays at GMT+8! Share me what you think of it! Love you guys!

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