Chapter 7 - Sweetened (Part 3)

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After the movie, Nozomi and Eli proceeded to go to the mall to have a little roam around. Although along the way, the purple-haired finds herself having her face as red as a tomato due to what she just did with Eli back in the theater. It was already embarrassing when they lined up and thinking how shameless she had become, it absolutely makes her think of hiding for a while.

They were acting like an actual couple in love.

Seriously, why did I even do that? Nozomi couldn't help but ponder as she looked at the stalls they pass by while Eli was doing the same and it seems she was distracted when she sees those book stores.

Along the way, they are walking hand in hand, which is already giving Nozomi the sweats and more intense nervousness.

"Say, Elichi.." She decided to break the silence in order for her to not feel the awkwardness between them, "You're living alone?"

"Hmm? I am, why?" Eli then looked down at her with an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Ahh, I was just wondering how are you surviving since you are far away from your family. Well, you once told me about your parents and little sister."

The blonde hummed and heaved a small sigh before answering:

"I just distract myself by allowing myself to think that this is for my future. I had to work a part-time job just to pass by despite my allowances enough to last every month."

"Really, now? You are really independent, Elici, I like that about you."

"Ahh, really? Thanks." Eli rubbed the back of her neck, "What about you?"

"Hmm, ever since I graduated high school, I went off on my own just like you. Although, I took a scholarship to pay my tuition and do part-time jobs as well. In all actuality, this is one of my day-offs.

"Really? Where do you work?"

"Just in the café." Nozomi giggled, "What about you?"

"Studio." The blonde answered.

"A studio? You mean the music studio?"

"Uh-huh. I love it whenever bands would stop by to practice and their music is actually something that I enjoy during work." Eli smiled.

"Now, I want to visit the studio." Nozomi chuckled.

"And I want to visit the café." The other answered.

"Jeez! You always know how to squeeze in those sweet lines!" Nozomi laughed.

"Am I annoying you, though?" Eli couldn't help but chuckle.

"Annoying is a strong word."

"I thought so, too."

Upon feeling slight fatigue, Nozomi gently gripped on Eli's sleeve, making the latter hum,

"Are you okay?"

"I'm tired.." Nozomi was straightforward about how she feels when romantic feelings weren't involved.

"Alright, let's stop by somewhere and get some rest." Eli began to look around and found a bench nearby, leading the two of them towards it. Allowing Nozomi to sit first, she sat beside her,

"Do you want a drink perhaps?" Eli asked.

"Hmm, you don't have to. I just need to rest my feet for a minute." Nozomi giggled.

"Alright, do you want me to give it a massage?"

Nozomi blushed, "Are you serious about it?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"We are in public."

"Who cares?" Eli smiled and went to kneel in front of the purple-haired and gently held up her foot, which she began to remove the sandal and softly yet firmly rub her hands around the soles of Nozomi's feet.

The purple-haired couldn't help but swallow her own saliva as her blush darkened, "Sheesh, you are too bold for your own good, have you been in a date?"

"No, this is my first time." Eli chuckled as she kept massaging Nozomi's foot.

"Well, you legitimately act like you had been into numerous of them." The purple-haired frowned.

Eli just gave her a soft chuckle, "You could say that I asked a lot of people on how this dating works. I honestly had no idea on what to do but they told me that I should take care of my date like how I take care of you now. All they had ever told me was to keep you feel loved and happy."

They actually did a good job on that one. Nozomi thought, seeming to know who Eli was referring to.

Yuri and Umi, who just got back from where they went, happened to pass by and saw them when they were checking on clothes. The duo blinked and exchanged glances before smiling at each other then looking back at the other two.

"I guess, their date is getting so well." Yuri said.

"You're right. It seems they did their part right." Umi chuckled.

"Though, let's just ask them tomorrow. I am sure they will be a blushing mess." Yuri added.

"I don't know about Eli but to Nozomi? I am a hundred percent certain." Umi replied.

"Alright then. By the way, are you hungry? I know a good place to eat." Yuri suddenly changed the topic, earning another soft chuckle from the blue-haired woman.

"Lead the way, my beloved."

A/N: Heey guyssss sorry if the chapter is short! I had to do a lot of writing today and my fingers are already shaking hfkdjsfkjdskl Hope you guys liked it! <3

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