Chapter 2 - Surprised

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That one glance has brought bewilderment to Nozomi as she goes through her day in her classes. Sure, she would talk to her classmates and friends to how she would usually talk to them but, the additional image of Eli's face has been deeply embedded into the depths of her mind. She couldn't forget that woman and not even her schoolwork could distract her from remembering that beautiful and calming face.

As she stayed in the library with Umi to study, she knows that she has to focus since they have an assignment due tomorrow, so much to expect in college.

Nozomi allowed her pen to twirl around her fingers with her elbow resting on the table and her chin settled on her palm. Her half-lidded eyes focused on the open book in front of her. Umi, on the other hand was jotting something down on her notebook while she reads the book beside it.

"Say... Umi." Nozomi decided to break the ice, her voice is not that loud for other students to hear, "How did you start liking Yuri?"

Umi stopped writing and raised her head to look at her friend with her eyebrow raised, "What's with the question?"

"I was just curious. I mean, Yuri isn't that overly expressive nor is overly secretive. She is dense and can be childish. She is brutally honest, and won't hesitate to fight back. So, how did you like her? Not like I am judging her or anything, I just want to hear your side."

Umi hummed briefly before answering,

"I don't really know either. Our personalities are similar yet different. It's true that she is dense and can be idiotic sometimes, much like Honoka."

"Then why?" Nozomi sooner rolled her eyes up to look at the other woman,

Umi smiled, seeming to remember those beautiful memories with the one she loves,

"I guess it is because of that fact that I had fallen for her. Despite those things you have mentioned, she protects me and makes me feel safe. She doesn't allow me to sleep with our arguments unsolved. She listens to me and she learns about the things that I love doing. Although, the most important thing to say is that, not a day goes by where in she would forget to make me feel how important I am to her."

"Hoooh, didn't know that you were really that soft to the point you don't use your aura to scare people away. And here I thought you'd be the scariest girl in this campus." Nozomi laughed and Umi blushed profusely before glaring at her friend,

"I-I'm not scary!" She sharply whispered, "I-I mean, it feels really wonderful that you don't have to worry about anything!"

"Well, Yuri is internationally rich, how was her family?"

Umi finally calmed down and hummed before replying,

"Her clan is really large that I didn't get the chance to meet her other relatives. I had only met her parents and older sister so far. She also invited me to join her small family reunion this weekend."

"Really? Where are you guys going?" Nozomi blinked.


Rich people sure can be scary... Nozomi thought with a short hum,

"Wow, you guys go around the world huh?"

"Indeed. Though Yuri would always ask if I want to come with her. And, if I said no then she won't go as well."

"Oh wow, guess she became your bodyguard right there." Nozomi snickered.

"Y-Yeah but why are we talking about my relationship anyway? What caused you to ask?" Umi blinked.

"Ahh, it's nothing actually." The purple-haired answered.

Umi heaved a sigh,

"Is it about that blonde girl you saw in the second gym earlier?"

"Whaaaat? Of course, not! I mean—"

"I know you, Nozomi. That stare of yours was far too different from the usual ones I'd always see whenever you were thinking of mischief." Umi gave her a deadpan.

"Jeez, Umichi, you are too observant." The purple-haired gave a light laugh.

"But it was true, right? You gained a crush on her?"

"Ehh.. I just thought that she's attractive that's all."

"Oh? Your eyes were twinkling like you just saw a goddess."

"Well, she does look like one but don't think of it the wrong way." Nozomi grinned.

"Then, are you curious about her?"

"Well, yeah but I am just curious about what her major is that's all! I mean, I always ask that to everyone else I come across with, right?"

Umi sighed at her friend's stubbornness. She should remind her self every now and then that the other woman will not admit anything unless being driven into the corner. Perhaps, she should take the initiative just to support Nozomi.

Few moments later, the door of the library opened, making the students, including Umi and Nozomi, snap their heads towards the entrance to see who it was, seeing a tall woman with long, black hair tied into a ponytail. The students immediately went back to their businesses as the tall student scanned her russet eyes around the library as if she was looking for someone.

Having Umi within the woman's line of sight, she walked over and approached her,

"Umi." The female gently called her lover's name.

"Ahh, Yuri, you're just in time." The blue-haired smiled up at the other woman.

Yuri nodded as a response, "Shall we go?"

"Sure." Umi then looked at Nozomi, "Are you sure you will be okay here?"

"Of course! Don't worry! Don't let me ruin your lunch date." The said girl snickered teasingly.

Umi rolled her eyes as she settled her notebooks in her bag and Yuri helped the other by grabbing the books and putting them to a spot on where to return it. The blue-haired then stood up and waved at Nozomi, "See you after school, Nozomi."

"Sure! Have fun you two!" The purple-haired waved back as she watched the couple leave the library, before sighing and succumb to her own thoughts for a moment.

Ahh.. being in a relationship like that must be nice.. Umichi is so lucky. She thought with a smile as she continued reading. She was too focused in both her studies and thoughts that she didn't get to hear about the library door opening once again,

With Eli, entering this time. The blonde then went to get a few books and finally went to find a seat.

However, all of the seats are occupied, it seems the students are grinding for their homework.

The blonde sweat-dropped and sooner found a spot across Nozomi, where Umi once sat.

I guess it won't hurt.. I will just sit and go on studying. Eli thought before she moved and sat on the chair in front of the purple-haired.

The sound of the chair being moved perked Nozomi's ears up that it caused her to raise her head and look at whoever sat as a natural response of her instincts. Her eyes widened in surprise when she gets to realize just who it was.

W-Wha—?! H-Her!?

A/N: Heeey guys! Hope you liked the new chapter! Votes and comments are deeply appreciated! See you guys tomorrroooow!

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