Chapter 5 - Sweetened

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The day has finally arrived for both Eli and Nozomi. With everything planned out by none other than their peers, Eli and Nozomi somehow felt that they shouldn't expect much that it will go that well.

Eli was circling around a tree in the park while she waited for the beautiful purple-haired with small sweats coating her face and neck because of nervousness and heat coming from the sun. It seems she has stayed there for a couple of minutes.

I was too nervous that I ended up arriving too early. But, I guess that is better than making her wait. I never expected that the weather would be this hot. I should have brought an umbrella. The blonde's mind told as her eyes would scan her surroundings to go check whether the other woman was nearby. Upon seeing none just yet, she stopped walking around and went to sit on the nearby bench.

Eli wasn't supposed to feel nervous since this is just a friendly date on a Valentine's Day but she was. As much as she tries hard to stay cool, her anxiety grows with each seconds passing by.

Finally, Nozomi arrived and walked towards her. Although her approach wasn't all casual but it is also filled with nervousness to the point that she wanted to just hide away. Swallowing her own saliva as her final push to release her mustered courage, she spoke,

"I'm here, Elichi! Sorry you had to wait!" She definitely put up that nervous-filled yet natural-looking smile, which seemed to radiate such charming energy that allowed the blonde to be stunned upon looking up at her.

Eli sat there, slack-jawed at the sight of Nozomi's clothing: a dark poncho blouse with a thin fabric, black scarf wrapped around her collarbones, which aligned with the rim of the neck part of her blouse and a smooth-looking, light blue jeans that matched her black sandals.

Comparing to her own, which is a simple white shirt, topped with a brown leather jacket with black pants and rubber shoes. Forget fashion shows, Nozomi is absolutely a head-turner and could even put most role models to shame.

"A-Ahh, it's okay. I just got here." The blonde decided to cover it up with a small lie to not make the latter feel guilty. She couldn't help but smile with her eyes glistening softly as she stood up.

Eli couldn't help but stare at the latter with her softened blue eyes, which is, unbeknownst to her, beginning to memorize every little details of Nozomi's face and the more she focuses, the more she gets drawn to her.

She didn't even realize that her heart suddenly palpitated. Although, even if she did, she wouldn't take notice of those sudden fondness and romantical admiration.

Nozomi noticed the shimmering glow of Eli's skin caused by her immense sweats, which made her furrow her eyebrows and went for her handbag to grab a handkerchief, wiping it on those sweaty spots of Eli's neck and face,

"Don't lie to me." Nozomi seemed to have figured it out already.

Eli chuckled nervously, "Don't worry about it, the weather was too hot before I came here."

"More reason for you to bring a towel next time?" Nozomi winked with a light giggle.

"Yeah, I will--next time." Eli quirked the right part of her lips up, forming a cheeky smirk that caused a faint blush to appear on Nozomi's cheeks but not too visible for the blonde to notice.

Within a few yards away from them, there is Maki and Cobalt, whom were spying on them using their binoculars from behind the bushes, donning attires of white polos and light brown long coats and dark brown slacks with pale brown-striped, darker brown fedoras. Seeming to be deeply invested into their little pretending-to-be-detectives roleplay for the day.

"Come on.. come on.. Kiss already!" Cobalt whispered sharply, earning a long sigh from Maki,

"Are you seriously saying that right now?" The redhead had to pop the question due to how ridiculous Cobalt sounded like.

On the other side of the park, not too far from where Maki and Cobalt are, there's Nico and Hazeltine, which were doing the exact same thing as the other duo, except this time, they were on their casual shirts and jeans with light rubber shoes.

"Look at how they look at each other!" Nico was grinning proudly as she observes them through her binoculars.

"Mhmm mhmmm indeeed. Look at them!" Hazeltine, however, seems to be looking somewhere else with her own equipment.

"The way they look at each other is making sparks fly between them! how romantic!" Nico continued to compliment.

"Indeed, look at those sparks flying around that ass, mmm." Hazeltine followed, making the raven-haired stop and look over at Hazeltine in disbelief.

Only to find the said girl, pointing the lens of her binoculars towards Cobalt.

Nico immediately smacked Hazeltine upside the head, that made the other stumble forward and yelp upon impact.

Hazeltine was thankful to have her hands land on the ground upon instinct and because the smack was a bit heavy, it made her groan before turning to her friend, "What gives!?"

"When did I ever tell you to get distracted? You were stalking someone's butt instead of those two!" Nico answered.

"Well I couldn't help it! She has a nice set of buns!"

The raven-haired rolled her eyes before realizing that they have to stop their little playful argument when she saw Eli and Nozomi finally moving out of the park, "And there they go.. should we follow them?"

"Honestly, let them be. It is their date and besides, Eli is a future police officer, she can and will take good care of Nozomi." Hazeltine said and Nico hummed,

"You're right." Nico sooner went to look at where Cobalt and Maki were but alas, the two weren't there anymore.

Guess they must have thought the same thing. Nico then diverted her attention to the entrance of the park, where Eli and Nozomi were heading somewhere after they had passed through the gate.

The raven-haired smiled,

Go for it, Nozomi.

Forever Starts Today (Eli x Nozomi)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora