Chapter II: Traveling passion

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*Y/N's POV*

You: "No... it's just... I wanna see the scenery with my own eyes."

Blake: "Where did you even get the map?"

You: "Saw it in the library..."

Blake: "Wait... library... why was it there..."

You: "I have no idea."

Ilia: "Do your parents know?"

You: "Yeah.."

Blake: "And they're okay with it?"

Ilia: "Maybe they don't know about the crime rate."

You: "They do.... at least mom did.. she told me I should avoid that city at all costs."

Blake: "And you're not gonna listen?"

You: "Hehe... maybe" They both hugged me all of a sudden

Blake + Ilia: "We won't let you."

You: "I have decided..."

Ilia: "Then we'll... I WILL force you to stay here..."

Blake: "Sometimes you're stubborn Y/N... and I agree with Ilia on this one... besides you have no semblance and not even aura..."

You: "Girls I'm not going... at least not now... but later."

Ilia: "Okay... I won't let you still."

You: "You have no say in that Ilia.."

Blake: "What about mom and dad."

You: "Can we just stop talking... I have enough." I ran to my room and locked the doors.. Dang it girls... you make it more difficult for me... but I don't wanna stay here all the time... they won't take me to huntsman school because I don't have aura... nor semblance... I wanna travel...

I searched the map of Sakurami... that shrine looked awesome... it was really huge...

I heard voices behind my doors... my sister and Ilia were arguing again... Seriously those two.

Suddenly I heard something like a crash so I looked around.

It was a letter with White Fang symbol on it tied to a rock... it read:

For Y/N Belladonna

Huh? What does White Fang want from me... I have no connection with them... only dad, mom and Blake have... this is strange... and why was it thrown to my room... I don't like this..

I went to look out of my window but I didn't see anyone. Very strange

I opened the letter as I read it

Dear Y/N,

I overheard your conversation with your family about Sakurami City... yes the talks about criminality here is true but nothing has happened in the past 2 years... I don't exactly know why but it did... anyways I hope I'll see you soon so I can show you around... yes Sakurami is very beautiful city... with love... your secret admirer


I was looking at the letter with shock. WHO WROTE THIS LETTER!!! Y.G. who's that... some stalker or something? I was talking about Sakurami literally 5 minutes ago..

I looked out the window again and this time properly... I swear I could see someone with pink eyes looking at me through the trees... I shook my head but there was noone... am I... seeing things? Did I eat something bad?

Kali: "Y/N!! Come here!! The dinner is ready..." Should I bring it with me? I don't know... this is all too strange... I don't know if I should. Dad would probably force me to stay home... nope I won't show it.

Crazy Murderer: Male Reader x Mirai Nikki x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now