Chapter III: Sakurami

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A/N: Imma explain Yuno's semblance here... it's called Double Time Control... she can rewind or move time forward by years but then she has to wait that amount of weeks to use it again... but if she affected time of someone who is close to her she has to wait that same ammount of time she rewinded in months before she can affect his fate... otherwise she would die. Also she can change her own age at will

*Y/N's POV*

I was standing in front of the ship that will take me away from Menagerie. Time to explore... to Sakurami I go...

Not only my family but the whole Menagerie was here to say their goodbye... I surely will be missed.

Kali: "Do you have everything dear?"

You: "Yes mom you asked me for the 38th time... I'm counting it."

Ilia: "Be safe Y/N..." She went to hug me "[I'll miss you so much]"

You: "I'll miss you too Ilia.." I hugged her back... then did the same with my sister.

Blake: "Always be aware of the people you meet... humans are... not so kind towards faunus."

You: "Yeah I know... you told me for the 50th time..." she slapped me lightly

Blake: "It was not enough... you're going to Sakurami... probably the most dangerous city..."

Ghira: "Make sure you call us when you arrive."

You: "I will dad."

Everyone: "Bye Y/N return soon and safely..."

Ship captain: "Alright Mr. Belladonna we have to go... we have a delay already." I boarded the ship and waved to everyone.

You: "Bye everyone..."

They all waved at me... when the ship got out of sight I sat on the deck and just relaxed.

Captain: "Next stop... Vacuo..."

You: "Excuse me... how many stops to Sakurami?"

Captain: "3... Vacuo, Atlas and Sakurami..."

You: "Thanks..."

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but then shadows covered the sun...

???: "Excuse me?" I opened my eyes... and saw an adult woman with azure eyes and brown hair and beside her was a boy with blue eyes and black hair wearing a brown cap "You said you're going to Sakurami?"

You: "Yes..."

???: "I'm Rea Amano... and this my son Yukiteru Amano... we live in Sakurami and are returning from a trip."

You: "Oh... I'm Y/N Belladonna... nice to meet you Ms. Amano..."

Yuki: "You can call me Yuki by the way."

You: "Okay got you."

Rea: "Do you have a place to live in Sakurami?"

You: "I'll rent a hotel room for as long as it will be needed."

Rea: "I see... well you can stay with us... but I get you we're strangers to you."

Yuki: "What kind of faunus are you?"

You: "A cat faunus."

Yuki: "Oh do you hear better?"

You: "I guess... never compared it to human hearing."

Rea: "You two seem to get along well."

You: "Hmm... it seems so."

Rea: "It should take another day on this ship to get to Sakurami."

Crazy Murderer: Male Reader x Mirai Nikki x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now