Chapter XVI: Escaped convict

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*Y/N's POV*

It's been a few days after I found the picture... life was... well still something. I completly stopped talking to people worried for their lives... I was just in my room... even Ozpin himself visited me to check on me... I told him everything was fine but...

Deep down in my mind and heart I was so confused... sure I like Yuno but after what she did how can I still? My brain and heart are both having an eternal fight...

I went to cafeteria because I was hungry and I sat behind a table... of course soon enough my sister and her team along with Velvet and some other team called JNPR sat wih me...

Blake: "Y/N... why are you so distant."

You: "Do not speak to me... if you do you're in grave danger..."

Blake: "What?"

Weiss: "Come on Blake he's been telling us all the time but now even I'm curious as to why."

Velvet: "I feel it..."

Pyrrha: "What do you mean?"

Velvet: "It's her isn't it? She's coming."

Ruby: "Minene?"

Nora: "That super terrorist? Why?"

Yang: "Because apparently Y/N over here made her angry."

You: "That's not it..."

Ilia: "Yeah I have a feeling... something you're not telling us."

I remembered what Velvet told me... so I just shrugged it off...

Jaune: "So there is?"

You: "Maybe... maybe not."

I had a notification on my scroll as I read it to myself.

Uryuu: "Watch the news."

Weiss: "What's with the face huh? Someone spat in your drink?"

You: "Enough! Leave me alone."

Yang: "You're so tense right now."

Blake: "It's Minene she's going for you."

You: "Maybe... anyways Imma listen to the news."

Pyrrha: "Put it on loud I wanna hear too."

Everyone: "Yeah!"

You: "Fine..." I did so.

Zukai: "Hello citizens of Sakurami Zukai Agaki here.... and I'm in the field at local school... after all this time it has finally found a donator who will pay for reconstructions..."

Jaune: "Wow the bombing really happened..."

You: "I wasn't in the school that day... but I heard a lot..."

Ilia: "Wait where were you..."

You: "Praying at Omekata Temple... the one that you can find on pictures..."

Weiss: "You were there instead of school?"

You: "Well... let's say I had no other choice."

Ren: "No other choice?"

Nora: "SHHHHH! It's continuing..."

Zukai: "In other news we bring you a bank robbery and town hall being under attack by none other than Uryuu Minene..."

You: "That's the Uryuu I know..."

Velvet: "Hold on... how can Uryuu be after you if she just robbed a bank and did that?"

Crazy Murderer: Male Reader x Mirai Nikki x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now