Chapter 2

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After Severine had left the room Marcus buried his head under the pillow. He had meant to have a serious conversation with Severine last night, not to completely lose himself in his desires. Not that that hadn't been pleasurable for both of them, but something besides the upcoming trial was bothering Severine and he wanted to know what it was. He had thought giving him a couple of drinks would loosen him up and it had, but not in the way he had expected. Smacking the pillow beside him he rolled out of bed, Severine said he wanted to make them breakfast but he was still in the shower and it seemed like a good way to repent for last night.

He had just gotten the plates out of the cabinet and was putting the eggs and bacon on them when he felt Severine's presence in the living room. He grabbed the mug of hot chocolate off the counter beside the stove, placing it and the plate on the little kitchen table for him. He grabbed his own plate and mug, sitting across from him smiling.

"Were you that hungry? I was going to make breakfast as soon as I got out of the shower," Severine said.

"I could have waited. I just thought it would be nice if it was already done for you. And I um...thought your back might be...sore," he said sheepishly.

Severine laughed, "I told you I'm fine. But thanks, it was nice not to cook."

Smiling back, they carried on with small conversation. Severine was currently telling him the plot of some new show he was watching but he wasn't paying any attention. He was waiting for Severine to give any hint at what could be bothering him but he gave nothing away. He debated asking him outright or waiting for Severine to bring it up on his own. He didn't like the feeling that something was being hidden from him but also didn't want to start a fight. Not being able to stand it anymore he waited for Severine to wrap up his story about the show, when he did he took his chance.

"How have you been doing lately?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Severine laughed nervously, "You see me everyday. I've been fine."

He felt himself bristle, pushing his plate away he stood up. "Right. I have to go to work. Can you clean up?" 

He had phrased it as a question but didn't wait for Severine's response. He grabbed his keys from the table by the door and walked out of the apartment. He knew he was being childish and that Severine was still sitting at the table dumbfounded but he had just blatantly lied to him and that bothered him more than hurting Severine's feelings at the moment. He reached the front door of the apartment complex, when he opened the door and stepped out he heard the sliding glass door of the balcony open. Severine was standing at the railing waving at him.

"Be careful," Severine called down to him, smiling.

Even with the distance, he could tell it was a fake one. He gave him a short wave back then got in his car and left.

He used the small spade to stab the ground, he was planting new flowers around one of the landlord's rental houses. It had become a rhythm, stab the ground, pull the flower out of its container, cover it with dirt, stab the ground again. The longer he was at work the more his frustration over leaving Severine this morning grew, not to mention the guilt. Severine didn't have to work today, it was easy picturing him on his bed or the couch reading, he doubted he was actually reading though. He groaned and stabbed the ground several times in a row.

"What did the ground do to you?" asked a snooty voice behind him.

Groaning louder he turned around, "What do you want Zandra?"

"We were just walking around town and saw you mutilating the ground for no reason. Evanora figured something was wrong and wanted to come check on you."

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