Chapter 14

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Nora tossed her phone down beside her and rubbed her temples. Marcus had just got done explaining Severine's visit to see his father and as happy as she was that he was still going to testify against him for the abuse charges, she was worried about the toll it would take on him. Marcus being questioned as a witness would help but she would only be a spectator, useless to them again. The fact that his father also said he could still harm them even if he was locked up worried her too but she had acted like it didn't, not wanting to seem like a bother to them.

She was pulled from her thoughts by a knock at the door. She looked at her phone and saw it was almost eleven at night. The only one who ever came this late was Zandra but she had been given a spare key a long time ago. If she didn't have anywhere else to go for the night she liked to stay with her and it was easier than waiting up. She crept to the door and pulled the curtain back just enough to see, when she recognized Zandra she quickly unlocked the door.

"Hey. Why didn't you use the key?" she asked, throwing the door open.

Zandra stumbled through it and leaned against the wall.

Nora quickly shut the door and locked it again. "Whoa, are you drunk?"

Zandra shook her head slightly, looking up. Her hair was pulled back from her face and there was a cut on her temple that was still bleeding. She had one arm wrapped around her clutching her side and wasn't putting much weight on her left leg. She heard herself gasp then rushed forward.

"Holy shit! What happened? Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine."

"Clearly you're not, but okay." she said. "Let's get you to the bathroom to clean up. Can you walk? Do you need help?"

She felt frantic but was proud that her voice was staying firm. She reached to put her arm around Zandra but stopped and took a step back when she saw her flinch away. She had seen that reaction from Severine enough times to know when to back off.

"I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want your help, I just don't want to get blood on you."

"Oh," she pushed her ponytail behind her shoulder self consciously, "it's fine. I have a shower."

Zandra chuckled at the comment then winced, clutching her side tighter. She started forward again and this time Zandra let her put her arm around her and support some of her weight. She slowly led her to the bathroom, with the way she was clutching her side and the shallow breaths she was taking she figured she either had bruised or cracked ribs.

"Do you want to shower or just clean yourself up with a washcloth?" she asked.

"I don't think I have the strength left to stand long enough for a shower," Zandra responded.

She nodded and eased her down onto the side of the tub. She rummaged around in the cabinet, pulling out a couple washcloths and the first aid kit. Turning the faucet on so the water would get hot she took the peroxide, band-aids, and neosporin out of the kit. Taking the first washcloth she put it under the faucet, once it was wet she folded it then turned back to Zandra. Kneeling in front of her she reached up to wipe the blood from her temple but Zandra grabbed her lightly by the wrist.

"It's okay Evanora. I can clean it myself."

"You can hardly sit up straight and I don't have a hand mirror so you can't see it, this is fine too," she said firmly.

Zandra's mouth twitched at the corner and she nodded slightly, releasing her wrist. She tried to gently wipe the blood from the cut. Once most of the blood was gone she took the second washcloth and poured peroxide on it.

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