Chapter 19

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Severine stood checking himself in the floor length mirror, he was worried his white tux made him look too pale. The light lilac vest complimented his hair well and made his eyes look nearly crystal blue. He started fiddling with the cuffs and noticed a loose button, panicked he shouted for Nora. She came barreling into the room but stopped short in the doorway sucking in her breath.

"Oh my gosh you look amazing! Wait, wait something was wrong. What's wrong?"

He held his arm out, frowning. "The button is loose! I don't have anything here to fix it with. What if it falls off during the ceremony?"

"Don't fear girlfriend I have you covered," she said.

From her purse she pulled out a travel size sewing kit. She quickly threaded white string through the needle and secured the button. She gave it a tug then nodded, satisfied with her work.

"Thanks." he said sheepishly, "Sorry that was so stupid to sound so panicked about."

"It's fine Sev. Today is supposed to be your perfect day and I'm not about to let a loose button ruin that!" she said.

He gave her a bright smile. This was going to be a perfect day, he was sure of it. They had asked Nora to decorate the municipal building for them and she had done an amazing job. He had come with her beforehand to get ready and had wanted to see it so that when he went down the aisle later he wouldn't be distracted by the decorations. He could just focus on Marcus and not tripping.

All around she had placed red chrysanthemums, purple lilac, and forget me not. They were beautiful and when he had asked how she had picked them she just shrugged. Later he looked them up and found that each represented love in some way. She had arranged two rows of chairs on either side of the aisle, there weren't many guests coming but she had made the space look full. Keeping with the color of the flowers some of the chairs had a red, purple, or blue ribbon around them. Since they didn't have a flower girl she had also scattered petals down the aisle for them. He was glad he had asked to see it before the ceremony started because all the work and love she had put in it made him cry. He gave her a thankful crushing hug and she scolded him to stop crying or his eyes would be puffy for the ceremony, he couldn't help but notice her voice cracked during it though.

"It's time to go girlfriend," she said gently, taking his elbow and pulling him out of his memories.

He nodded and let her lead him from the room. He stopped in the hallway, panic that should have been over with by now setting in. "What if I forget my vows?"

"You'll be fine," she assured him.

"What if I trip?"

"You're not going to trip and if you do Marcus is going to move so fast he will probably catch you before you fall."

"What if Marcus got cold feet and left?" he said frantically.

She turned to face him now, a small frown on her face. "That is literally impossible. The boys so in love with you it's not even funny. You want to do this right? You know that if you don't want to, if you want to wait longer, he isn't going to love you any less or think any less of you."

He felt like he was shaking from the inside out and wrapped his arms around himself as if that would stop it. He kept repeating to himself that this was going to be perfect but the more the thought the word perfect the worse he felt. You weren't supposed to feel like this on your wedding day. He saw Nora nod as if she had come to some conclusion then she led him back into the room.

"Wait here, I'll be right back," she said.

He nodded and she left the room. A short time later he heard a knock on the door. Nora came back in and had Marcus behind her a necktie around his eyes. He was grumbling that he had seen Severine this morning so it was stupid to have his eyes covered now. Severine gave her a betrayed glare. She just smiled and set Marcus down on a chair then left the room.

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