Chapter 12

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Marcus looked up from the dishes. He had been lost in thought and he wasn't sure what had snapped him out of it but he felt sure something was wrong. Drying his hands on his apron he took out his phone. He wasn't off for another hour and a half, he didn't see any messages but couldn't shake the feeling. The current load of dishes was done and the dinner rush was over, he made his way to the office.

"Marcus, are you alright? You look a little pale," the owner said, when he opened the door.

"I really hate to do this, but could I leave? I can't explain it but I think something is wrong with Severine. I know we've been having to take a lot of time off. And I don't have any messages from him or anything to base it off of so I know it's not really reasonable to ask..." he trailed off.

The owner was shaking his head, "Go ahead and go. If you think something's wrong with him you're probably right. I haven't known anybody else like you two, you have an extra sense when it comes to each other."

He nodded his thanks and left the cafe. Sprinting towards the apartment, narrowly missing a car driving too fast down main street, he flung open the door and bounded up the steps taking two at a time. He winced when he reached the top of the stairs. He was out of breath and was doing his best to ignore the stitch in his side. But what had made him wince was the sound coming from behind their door. Music was blaring and there was another high pitched sound like a smoke detector going off. He unlocked the door with shaking hands and fought the urge to cover his ears. He ran into the living room and tried to turn off the stereo but couldn't. He looked around for Severine and noticed the light in the kitchen, his heart practically stopped and he lurched into the couch.

Severine was on the floor of the kitchen by the table curled into a ball like he was having one of his nightmares. He pushed himself away from the couch and stumbled to Severine's side. Dropping to his knees he pulled Severine awkwardly onto his lap. His eyes were open so he knew he hadn't passed out, at least not yet, but he wasn't responding to him saying his name over and over again either. He was trying not to panic but it was hard to think, the music had been loud but the sounds of the kitchen were worse. The high pitched beeping he had heard earlier was actually the microwave. Somehow Severine had amplified the sounds of the appliances, it was like white noise all around them.

He flinched at the realization. Something had caused Severine to lose control of his power and had over loaded his senses. Like he had done to him during their first fight. He didn't know if Severine had done it on purpose but that didn't make it any less horrible. His head was starting to hurt from all the noise but he had to push through it. He had to get Severine to snap out of it. He gasped, that was it, he could use the bracelets. He gently reached over Severine and started rapidly tapping the button on top of his bracelet to make Severine's vibrate. He waited for Severine to notice the feeling but it wasn't registering even though his bracelet was going crazy. He knew Severine had to be in an extreme amount of emotional strain right now and he deeply regretted what he was about to do but he didn't see any other options.

He took a deep breath and focused his power on Severine's bracelet, then tapped the button on top of his again. He watched as Severine's bracelet lit up then saw it actually shake against his wrist. Severine's back arched in his arms and he started thrashing. He laid him on the floor and gently but firmly straddled him, pinning his legs and arms so he couldn't hurt himself. Even with Severine pinned down it was taking a lot out of Marcus to keep him completely still.

"Severine, babe, come on, come on," he said.

Severine still thrashed beneath him but the sounds of the appliances in the kitchen were starting to quiet. The microwaves insistent beeping mercifully stopped.

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