Chapter 10

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Marcus stood in the kitchen in front of the sink staring at the dishes. Today was his day to be questioned and even though it made him nervous he was ready. Mr. Ethelberry had nettled Zandra until she had lost her temper yesterday and he was sure he would try it again today with him. He had to be prepared and keep his cool so he didn't slip up. The sooner all the questioning got done the sooner all of this could be put behind them. Hearing something behind him he turned to see Severine, leaning against the counter.

"Are you okay?" Severine asked.

"I'm fine," he smiled, "why do you ask?"

Severine's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, "I was standing here for like five minutes before I decided to make a noise so you would notice me."

"I'm sorry. I guess I was lost in thought. It's going to be another exhausting day. I'm just ready for it to be over."

"I know, I am too." Severine's ears perked up and he smiled. "I have an idea."

He gave him a questioning look then Severine was holding his hand out to him and lowering himself into a graceful bow.

"What..." he started but cut off the question when he heard music playing louder from the living room.

He listened for a moment then smiled. We Don't Have to Dance was playing and he guessed Severine's intentions a moment later. Whenever he heard this song it took him back to the night of the ball when he had waltzed Severine around without a care in the world, except for that moment. He had always hoped the song held the same memories for Severine and looking at him now he could see it did.

Holding out his own hand he bowed back and took a step forward to lead but Severine grasped his hand and swung him in a small arc. He let Severine waltz him around the small kitchen, then into and around the living room. He forgot about everything except the feel of moving so easily with and against Severine. When the song ended he leaned forward breathing hard and pressed their foreheads together chuckling.

"Thanks babe, I needed that," he whispered.

"I'm glad you haven't forgotten the steps," Severine said, smiling.

"I always hated that dance until I danced it with you," he said.

Severine blushed fiercely and looked away still smiling.


Marcus approached the stand with as much confidence as he could muster. If he started to feel overwhelmed by questioning he would think about dancing around the apartment with Severine this morning. After he swore in he took his seat and waited for Mr. Donahue to review some papers at the desk. Then Mr. Donahue approached the stand and asked him to recount the events. He recounted every detail as clearly as he could remember it. Once he was done Mr. Donahue nodded and asked his big question.

"Mr. Pierson," Mr. Donahue started, "Could you please elaborate on how you were able to fight off Mr. Thorne?"

Marcus swallowed nervously. He had known he was going to be asked this but was afraid he would get caught lying. He couldn't tell them about the column of electricity he had somehow created, it shouldn't have happened. He and Zandra were the only two that knew about, he hadn't even told Severine.

"I had followed Mr. Thorne into a section of the woods behind the park and was trying to attack his right side because I knew he had a weakness there. As we were fighting, my sister Zandra arrived and drained the water from the surrounding vegetation. There was...uh...spark of static caused by the friction of Mr. Thorne and I's fighting and I amplified that spark. The power of the electricity mixed with the power of Zandra's water and caused a reaction that I believe knocked Mr. Thorne unconscious, I lost consciousness myself after I amplified the spark because he had been strangling me."

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