Chapter 8

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Severine woke up groaning, his arm had been under him awkwardly and was completely numb. He sat up shaking it and looked around disoriented before he realized he was in the living room. He remembered starting Samurai Champloo then laying his head in Marcus's lap after that he must have fallen asleep. Grabbing his phone off the table he saw a note from Marcus saying he had gone to get them breakfast and would be back soon. It was still early but they had to be to the courthouse by eight thirty for their second day of the trial. He got up to go take a shower.

"Hey," he said. Coming into the kitchen and toweling off his hair.

"Mornin'" Marcus said, "Breakfast is on the table and there's chocolate milk in the fridge."

"Yay! Chocolate milk!"

Marcus laughed, "I knew you'd be excited. When you're done I have something for you."

"What is it?"

Marcus just winked and went to the bedroom. He finished breakfast quickly, put the towel up, then went into the bedroom. Marcus was sitting in the middle of the bed cross legged with his laptop in front of him.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Just a sec, I'm almost done," Marcus said.

Sitting at the foot of the bed he patiently waited and watched Marcus. He was concentrating on whatever it was on the screen and mumbling unconsciously to himself. Finally he nodded and shut the laptop, then pulled out a small box from behind him holding it out for him to take.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Open it and see."

He lifted the lid and saw two black banded items inside. Each band had an oblong screen type looking thing on it with a button on top. He took one out and saw it was a bracelet.

"Do you know what it is yet?" Marcus asked.

"It's a bracelet," he responded.

Marcus laughed, "Here give me the other one."

He handed the one he wasn't holding to him. Marcus slid it on his wrist and tapped the button on top. The bracelet he was holding made a small vibration then lit up for a split second. He gasped.

"That's so cool!" he exclaimed.

"I thought it would help. With the trial and other things. Even if you are just at work or I'm at work and you're here feeling lonely you can tap the button on top and I'll feel it," Marcus said.

He stared at the bracelet for a moment, fighting the urge to cry, then slid it on his wrist. Marcus had already proposed to him, just that had been more than enough but he had even thought of something like this. It was incredible.

"Thank you. I love it," he said.


They arrived at the courthouse and the day started much like yesterday. They were in the room first, and Mr. Donahue gave them a quick rundown of how the day was planned. He explained Nora would be called back up to the stand for some follow up questions, then he was going to call Severine forward. Terror instantly came over him, he hadn't thought he would be questioned so soon. Mr. Donahue was saying more but he couldn't hear him, he heard Marcus's voice but couldn't register what he was saying. He felt a firm yet gentle pressure around his wrist and his feet followed the small tugs on it leading him from the room.

"Severine, look at me," Marcus said.

He looked up into Marcus's deep brown eyes, he could feel himself trembling now and wished it would stop.

Let It Be Your Shirt (Story 3 of Sev & M)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant