Chapter 3

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Severine walked into work yawning. He and Marcus had slept in separate rooms last night for the first time in a long time. He had slept poorly without Marcus's presence there to keep away the nightmares. He had told Marcus he would be ready to tell him everything today but had gotten up early, scribbling a hasty note he had left on the island stating he had gotten called into work early. A small white lie that was now eating away at him. He knew when he got home there was going to be no avoiding the inevitable and would have to tell him everything. Shaking his head he mentally scolded himself, he needed to focus on work right now. Nora would be coming in about an hour and he didn't need her playing twenty questions with his mood. He started putting away the clean cups and wrapping silverware.

"Hey girl hey!"

"Nora! There are customers here!" he said, blushing.

She rolled her eyes, "There's always customers or someone else around when I do it."

He was about to say something else when he noticed someone at a table in the front waving for his attention. Giving Nora a smile, walking towards the table, he saw her head to the kitchen to get her apron. The afternoon rush would be starting any minute.

The rush was crazier than they had seen in awhile. There was only one table that didn't have customers sitting at it. The phone was ringing off the hook, the owner taking most of the calls, Nora grabbing some when she could. The clean silverware was practically overflowing from its cubby, not having time to wrap it, just grabbing what they needed and some napkins. They were finally starting to slow down but the phone was still ringing frequently. Nora was busy with a table in the back and the owner was helping the cook, trying to fix one of the fryers that had broken down. He hated answering the phone, he always felt awkward, but this time it looked like there wasn't a choice. Picking up the receiver, he gave his name and the Cafe's general greeting.

"Hello Severine," a deep voice said.

His breath caught in his throat, the receiver almost falling from his hand. He knew that voice. He would never be able to forget that voice. His legs were shaking, he leaned against the counter so if they buckled he wouldn't fall to the floor.

"Severine," the voice said again.

He didn't know how but he knew it was his father on the other end of the line. He didn't think they were allowed phone privileges at the agency, but he must have been wrong. His breathing was coming out in short little gasps. He needed to say something but when he opened his mouth nothing came out. Nora caught sight of him, he saw her excuse herself from the table, coming towards him. When she reached him she gently took the receiver from him and pointed to the back door. He nodded, legs still shaking, holding onto the counter for support he slowly made his way outside. Once outside he slid down the wall, head in his hands. He wasn't sure how long he was outside before the door opened, Nora coming out.

"There's still tables, I'll be back in a minute, I'm fine," he said.

"The owner is taking care of the tables. No you're not fine," she said, "What happened?"

She had slid down the wall next to him, her head on his shoulder. The feeling was comforting but he shuddered at the question. "That was my father on the phone," he said.

She stiffened beside him. Had she not realized it? He thought back but couldn't remember if she would have ever heard his voice. He didn't think so, Issac's yes, but his father's no.

"Severine," she paused, "that wasn't your father on the phone. It was Mr. O'Talen. Remember him? He lives in the assisted living homes and gets to call in once a month for a special lunch."

"No," he said quietly, "it was my father...I was...sure it was. You're sure it wasn't?"

She nodded solemnly, "It wasn't him hun."

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