Part 14

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Bettys pov

It was time for the prom queen and king coronation. Jug and I had participated in it, and maybe we could win this. (W: Mr honey, he is good man here) W-"ladies and gentlemen" everyone muted their self's for hearing what the principal was about to announce. Jug and I turned around to face him, I was laying my head on him and he had his arms wrapped around me. W-"I'm so happy to announce this years queen and king. This two people has been through a lot in the last past years, the lost of someone, and more things. But they still have a smile on their faces, right know they have one too" he said looking at us. Maybe we won, I was so nervous. I looked at Jug and pecked his lips softly and smiling and right after the principal said out loud the winners. W-"this years prom queen and king are... JUGHEAD JONES AND BETTY COOPER. CONGRATULATIONS" we were surprised although he made it a bit clear looking at us while giving the speech. Just right after he said it, I took Jugs hand and whispered in his ear. B-"let's walk there and then we can ran away from everyone" he nodded and smirked. We walked to the stage, everyone looking at us, everyone was smiling but those smiles were dropped when I looked behind me, jug had fallen on the floor just after the principal placed the crown on his head. I immediately laid my knees on the floor, moving his body with my hands trying to wake him up. B-"please Jug wake up" I was desperate and started to lose my breath. B-"YOU DONT SEE HE PASSED OUT?!??!COULD SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE" I didn't have the time to think about what just happened, the only thing I knew was that my boyfriend, the dad of the baby I had inside was probably about to die, something I couldn't let happen. I broke into tears, I was shaking, didn't know what do, just cried.B-"(cried) Jug please wake up. I need you here, please don't go" everything with no response. Someone called an ambulance, and it didn't got there after half an hour of waiting. (AM: ambulance man) AM-"what happened to him?" B-"I don't know. We were here and then he passed out." I said while my voice was breaking so I took some time to say it all. Whilst taking him into the ambulance bed the doctor was asking questions. AM-"does he have any disease?" B-"no that I know, but his mom died of cancer, and he's been coughing a lot lately" AM-"thanks for the info. You can't come with us. " he got in the ambulance with the rest of the people including Jug and I stood there, looking how it went far and far, and thinking of how this could be the last time seeing him.

I was shocked and didn't react how I should've. I slid down the door, laying on the floor crying. Veronica came to me. V-"oh my god b. I'm sorry" i opened my eyes, and she saw my fear, the fear of losing him. V-"everything is gonna be ok. I promise. Come with me, I'll drive you to the hospital, you can't drive like this" I nodded still crying, and she helped me to get up. While walking to Vs car I snapped. B-"I have to call Fp. Oh." I took my phone and called him. F-"hey Betty is everything ok?" B-"n-no" F-"what happens?" B-"J-jug is in the way to the hospital, he passed out in the middle of prom" he kept his tears inside not wanting to worry me more. F-"where are you betty?" B-"Veronica is driving me to the hospital" F-"ok, I'll see you there. Thanks for calling" I hung up and cried. V was comforting me, everything I could ask. She kept saying everything is gonna be fine. What if it wasn't? What if everything was in fact going down, my life going down, my babys life going down and hadn't even started, he is life going. I couldn't think of any happy things because everything in my mind was what could happen if he dies, how am I gonna feel, terrible, devastated, lonely, and more feelings.

We arrived at the hospital and went straight to the emergency part, and to the reception. B-"h-hey. Is Jughead Jones here?" R-"yes he is." B-"is he ok?" R-"I can't tell you that. I'm gonna call the doctor so he can tell you. I'm so sorry miss" I nodded and walked away. I sat down in the waiting room, waiting for some news, and not so long after the doctor arrived. He hadn't a happy face, that worried me the most, what if he died without me, what if the last words he heard were wake up, what if he died without knowing he was going to be a dad. D-"I'm sorry"

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