disguised intimacy

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⊰ chapter three ⊱

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⊰ chapter three ⊱

Winter was such a cruel season.

But beauty withered within and Dara watched the slight snowdrop from her wide, big balconies. The shallow dark of the night had covered Zisk like a blanket of a starless sheet. She was in leather pants and a soft pink shirt, examining her wedding ring as her hair played with the wind. Her mind stayed amidst Jungkook's diamond eyes and shaded lips.

The turquoise-colored diamond ring, with glittering silver around it, stuck to her ring finger with empty thou of love. Dara wondered what the ring would look like if Jungkook were the one to arrange one. Customs had banished Dara, she had done every job a man would for a good wedding.

She had charged no dowry as customs. Usually, the ruler would charge dowry to spend it for the Kingdom's growth, as a gift for the Kingdom and the people from the ruler's spouse but Dara had charged none. She believed Jungkook was from poverty and sending them more of what she had would only strengthen their bond as a family.

But Jungkook's lies to his family had broken a piece of Dara and she did not expect it. Nonetheless, she did not care much. She wasn't planning to meet them any sooner anyway.

"Did you choose the ring?" as if Jungkook read her mind as his voice broke Dara's peace of mind and there it was, her bumping heart like a coaster down a hollow alley. Dara found Jungkook's eyes resting on her hand as she rubbed her ring with her thumb, "I heard usually the husband would choose the ring?"

"You weren't going to, so I did." Dara glanced at Jungkook's ring, the emerald blue with the same silver crystals around it, "Don't you like yours? I thought you would like a ring that didn't catch too many eyes...."

"The ring is beautiful," Jungkook whispered, knuckles tight. He swallowed at Dara's light shoulders, "The shirt is too thin, aren't you cold?"

"I always have been," Dara said to the silence.

Jungkook sighed and then looked back at the maids waiting idly for commands inside the chamber. He waved a hand and Jewel rushed with Dara's Zekh, handing it to Jungkook who thought Jewel could really just drape it across Dara's shoulders. Having power in his hands, Jungkook shooed Jewel and handed Dara the Zekh. Dara stared at the Zekh and then grinned coldly, looking away, "Don't give me hopes, Prince."

"It's not like you want a marriage to work out," Jungkook laughed lightly as he himself draped the Zekh across Dara's shoulders, "Dara, you are a queen. Queens play with power, legacies, men, and subjects. Not a household, children, and dreams of washing dishes."

"I am a woman too." Dara wanted to say out loud. She smiled at Jungkook, "I am Queen. So would you watch over the kids and wash the dishes, Prince?"

"May that day never come." Jungkook looked away with a tight grin, finding it exclusively hilarious. But Dara was laughing. She didn't think it was as funny. Jungkook looked back to see Dara's glum face at him, he sighed, "You will find someone who is ready for that, I certainly am not."

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