the doors to love and acceptance

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⊰ chapter seventeen ⊱

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⊰ chapter seventeen ⊱

The castle loomed out against the deep blue beyond. It stood there like it had been plucked out of a children's story. It was excellent. Every stone was square and level, suggesting that the builders were obsessed with perfection and sincerely delighted with their work. They were constructed as barriers, echoing with laughter and giving the civilization the refuge it would need for many ages. The castle of North was made of absolute crystal, the strong wood that held up the expensive Northern coal-this was a Northern asset. Travelers would just round up several realms to come see it, to feel it, to consume the greatness but all they took with them was the memory.

Fifty courts, thirty five quarters, seventeen herems, eleven chests and only a hundred secret passages that lead to the darkness of it. But there is only one single quarter for the whole of royalty to rest at-it baffled Jungkook sometimes, how big of a castle he lived in, how big of a kingdom he served and how important he has stood out to the ruler to be the Prince Consort of the same Kingdom. It all baffled him sometimes, it made him want to take a break. But there wasn't any. Not for him this week, or month, or the next decade if he lived that far. The Prince was called for by Dara's Soldier in Hand, Skovier. Early in the morning, Skovier left a note at the door. He wasn't in the best mood to get dressed so early, but he also didn't want to let the Queen down. With all the gold jewelry and the royal green chiffon that Dara had given to Jungkook's quarters early in the morning for him to wear, and despite how sophisticated the occasion appeared to be outside on the main streets of Zisk, Jungkook questioned what she was up to once more. As the male slaves styled his hair and adjusted his badges, attaching them to the blue vest's breast, Jungkook remembered the occasion: Arver's birthday, slipping the wedding ring onto his ring finger.

It was a royal parade.

Shaking his head, he grinned as he remembered how Dara could make any little show interesting. She hated Arver for everything he had done, yet she still had the fortitude to appreciate the father figure he had been to her and the king Zisk had been to, guarding the throne as though it were his own. She was aware of how unfair he was, as well as how unfair she herself could be, but she did it for the sake of the crown, those people, and the country they cherished. Maybe it was the one thing that Arver and Dara had in common.

Jungkook arrived at the Main Hall to see Dara holding a pair of hand in hers and his eyes widened to see Adona in a green chiffon too. He smiled immediately upon meeting the unseen woman's eyes. Adona's eyes smiled before her lips stretched into a rather bigger, brighter one. She slipped her hands off Dara's who's smile turned into a thin line after sensing Jungkook's presence. Adona hugged Jungkook, smiling ear to ear. Jungkook could feel her heart beat, as fast a drum, and how it felt so unreal to have an announced dead woman infront of his eyes. He pulled away to greet her, with a head bow, "Princess. It's so good to see you."

"Prince Consort?" Adona gave Dara a joyous yet mischievous look who didn't know how to return it except for a light, decent nod. Skovier grinning as he stood aside Dara, in a very blue chiffon too. Adona held onto Jungkook's nervous, cold hands, "I am sure she must have been so, so fond of you to gift you this position. I missed out on so much staying behind those closed doors at the Bridger's Gate."

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