Chapter 24: WandaVision

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So now that that is over, lets meet Wanda and Vision.

"So is that like the show's cover or whatever?" asked Sam. (He is talking about the picture above.)

Yes, it is. The show is absolutely brilliant.

"Wait, you said that it would release in a few months, then how do you know that?" asked Steve.

Well, actually in my world when I told you that it was January 10,2021 and now it is February 1,2021. Time here, passes differently. Also, I may have exaggerated the time for its release. Its just that everything kept cancelling and rescheduling that I just assumed.

"Wait, what about our world? What is the day there?" asked Tony.

Oh, don't worry. I took you from your world on x.x.20xx and for those from the past, I tool them from x.x.19xx. So when all this is over, you will be returned to wherever you were, whatever you were doing and it will be as if you hadn't ever left.

"But how? What's, what's I mean, you brought people from a different time, a different world, into a, what did you call it? A pocket dimension. How? Is it some time travel machine? Maybe it can't deposit us to a different time it creates a- a new reality? Give me something, this doesn't make any sense." Said Howard.

I'm going to stop you right there. This is a machine, of sorts you could say, but mostly its my power, you could say. I'd love to tell you more but no can do.

"But why?" asks Thompson.

*sings* NO cAN dO!!!!

Lets move on, or rather back on to topic, shall we?

Good. So first off Wanda.

Wanda is played by American actress Elizabeth Chase Olsen. She was born on February 16,1989 in LA and is 31 years old.

 She was born on February 16,1989 in LA and is 31 years old

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"You look absolutely stunning, Wanda." said Vision.

"Thanks." said Wanda blushing.

"You do. That dress really brings out your eyes. You look absolute gorgeous in that." said Pepper.

"Thanks Pepper." Wanda replied, such compliments were rare so she was smiling so much it hurt.

"Wait, Elizabeth Olsen as in, like, the Olsen twins?" asked Cindy.

The Olsen twins are her sisters yes. But not in this world of course.

"Oh my gosh this is so cool. The Scarlett Witch is actually an Olsen." said Betty. Wanda didn't know how to react to it so she decided to not say anything.

As much as I would love to keep talking, we need to introduce everyone so that we can watch the future.

"Right. Who's next?"


"Isn't he all CGI?" asked Abe.

Thompson just stared at him blankly.

"Computer Generated Imagery." said Abe. Thompson still looked blank. 

"Its how cartoons are made. And other stuff. Depends, like Jurassic Park or something." Thompson nodded and looked away. He didn't know what Jurassic Park was but he was afraid to ask. All this was very confusing and new to him.

No. He is not all CGI. Although I don't really know anything related to computers but from the bloopers and everything, I can tell that a lot of computer stuff was done. In the movies. But that is obvious.

Anyways Vision is played by British actor Paul Bettany. He was born on May 27, 1971 in London and is 49 years old.

 He was born on May 27, 1971 in London and is 49 years old

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"Well, you make a handsome human, Vision." said Tony.

"Thank you."

"You really do look handsome. Although it is a little surreal. You, as a human. But I don't mind." said Wanda.

"Thank you, Wanda." said Vision.

Alright then. Talk later. Next we will meet.................


619 words.

A/N: Sorry.

I'm really sorry for the LONG wait. I know, I know. You hate it. I hate the wait too, but school has opened and I have my finals in March so I have to study. HARD. All the homework, classwork, daily worksheets, revision and life in general is getting in the way. But I'm sorry, I'll try and update sooner. So thank you for patiently waiting and reading and voting. Do continue to do so. Thanks. Bye!!


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