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Wool's Orphanage, the day after the heatwave, 1934, Y/N

                                       The warm winds after the heatwave blew Y/N's soft locks behind her shoulder as she sat on the grass cliffs, alone. It was the place she thought of coming the moment she recovered from dehydration. The clouds had returned to cover the sun,, and Tom was nowhere to be found. He never said anything, so she never asked... She brought her knees to her chest as her eyes looked to the fields, thinking about nothing and everything.

The sapphire around her neck, which she just learnt was invisible to muggles, was her grandmother's heirloom passed down to her mother, Violetta, and within the gem was a water spirit brought to life with the essence of Amphitrite's tears. It had finally woken up in the saltwater bath as it realised Y/N was in danger. The water symbolised where the celestial sirens lived, or as said by a muggle priest, "for they lived among the waves because the waves gave birth to Venus." The water spirit briefly explained Y/N's ancestral history before explaining how important it is to take care of herself.

"Have you acquired the knowledge of manipulation in meteorology yet?" It asked.

"Do you have a name?" Y/N quickly asked to avoid asking; What's meteorology?

"You can call me whatever you like. I am here to serve House L/N." Y/N sighed as she thought of names, but only muggle names managed to plague her head. This necklace is ancient, and she didn't want to embarrass herself by naming it...Tom or something. Apologies, Tom.

"What about Iris?"

"Oh my, that's the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the gods, I wouldn't dare!" Perhaps naming a water spirit after a goddess did seem like a stretch. But what if... you reverse it.

"What about Siri?" Y/N smiled.

"As you wish my lady."

Siri went on about the daily intake of a Siren. While most sirens need to spend at least 40% of the day submerged under the water, celestial sirens don't. However, it is still not healthy for a celestial siren as young as Y/N to be exposed to this much sun without the saltwater as their delicate charms and skins are still developing. 

Other powers came with being a siren, and these include one or more of the following; shapeshifting in animals (sea animals, snake and human), water and weather manipulation and telepathy. 

However, sometimes, the siren won't get any of those special powers. Sirens are all agelessly beautiful, have a degree of supernatural knowledge gained from the divine, alluring vocals and purest blood that could cure anything. Being a siren also meant that one's magical essence is invisible to other magical beings since Sirens had to hide not only from humans but wizards and witches as well. They hunted them for their parts. The hair, fins and vocal cords are often harvested from siren bodies for illegal wand-making as they produce the most powerful imperious curse but most importantly, their blood as it purifies, enhances and cures everything.

That's what happened to Y/N's grandmother, well, nearly. It was a normal cloudy day,, and the Greengrass family, who was half-bloods, had done it. They were already halfway through drinking her grandmother's blood dry but thank god her grandfather got there in time. But back then, hunting Siren wasn't considered a horrific crime but was still illegal under hunting 'exotic' creatures...which meant they would only be fined. 

With her grandfather's position, the Greengrass family managed to get three years in Azkaban, but nothing else...what's mocking was that they were included in the sacred 28. 

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