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Wool's Orphanage 2nd January 1934

                              The children sat around Mrs. Karen as she read the large, warn storybook. Mrs. Karen was a volunteer who comes and read to the children of the orphanage once a while. Her blocky glasses sat gently on her pointed nose as she tilted her head up to look through them. Through the crowds of tiny heads that sat cross-legged in front of Mrs. Karen, Tom searched for a specific silver-haired...and finding her was easier than he thought, as her bright blue eyes stared curiously at Mrs. Karen, listening to the story.

Scoot by scoot, Tom pulls himself across the carpeted room while still maintaining his legs crossed. Looking up and pausing a few times to check Mrs. Karen, he finally reached the girl. He was prepared to make a sound introduction but the moment he reached the girl, not a single sound was able to escape his throat.

His staring managed to earn a glance from the girl as she looked curiously. Her eyebrows narrowed and her eyes glared at him when he continued his staring. 

"I'm Tom."

"Tom," she repeated. "What an interesting name." The people in Y/N's circles were those whose names are already decided by the stars, or gifted by their great ancestors. 

What kind of name is Tom.

With the loss of interest, she turned back to Mrs. Karen's odd story about a green being that hates Christmas.

Seeing that he lost her interest, Tom pulled out a butterscotch candy from his pocket and rolled it to her. As she observed the candy, Tom smirked when she decided the candy was safe and took it. She stole a glance at him from the side of her eyes and grinned. 

Tom tried to smile back but his smiles were crooked, weird, in fact, where half of his lips still covered his teeth. 

Luring her in was exactly like when he lured Mrs. Karen's white cat.

A biscuit was all it took.

And look where at where it got him.

Somewhere within the woods...buried alive. Just for his entertainment. 

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