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Hogwarts 1943, Slytherin Common Room, Y/n

                 Y/N threw on a delusion charm with her wand and Regulus watched as her red bruises faded.

"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Regulus assured as he picked up her thin satchel and handed it to her.

"I'll be fine," she smiled as she strapped her satchel across her petite body. "Can you please keep this a secret for me?" Regulus subsequently swallowed a ball of concentrated anger that he didn't know existed in him after that 'simple' request. He hated himself for not getting here sooner so he could stop this, or see the attacker's face at least. 

"He tried to hurt you--"

"Please, I really don't want anyone to know..." she pleaded as her fingers grip his white-uniformed shirt. He held her small hand that held onto him. He stared into her sapphire eyes which glistened as the tears filled them. He couldn't make out a word and so he nodded instead. 

"Great! I'll see you at breakfast then," her lips curved into a smile again that's so genuinely sweet and with just the right touch of shyness, triggered an unexpected warmth that rushed through his body. As her eyebrows drew together, her eyes squinted slightly, like if she were to hide her shy ocean blue orbs, Regulus can't stop thinking of just pulling her into his embrace and again.

"Great," was all he managed to say as he smiled like the childish git he made fun of for believing 'love at first sight.'

At the split second that Y/n had her back to Regulus, she lets out a silent breathe as she dropped her facade. She didn't want to worry him more than he already was. Her arched lips dropped in a matter of seconds, and that's when she realised how sore her facial muscles are, and how tiring her projected emotions are.

When Y/n walked into the Great Hall, she couldn't help but feel anxious with all the eyes on her. Her hands subconsciously rubbed her neck, where the bruises were hidden. She's never been concerned with attention and being in the spotlight but it was like a new experience for her as her heart hammers out. However, she manages to keep her casual and proud exterior with no hints of hesitation nor insecurities.

They don't know what happened anyways.

Her heart twisted and sunk with nerves as she sat down on the Slytherin side, waiting to be exposed or something. She's fluent in talking her way out of things, however, this time, she can't think of a thing to explain what happened. Her mind was clouded with thoughts of Tom and his furious eyes with hints of red.

"Y/n!" Exclaimed the overly-friendly Abraxas whose sudden acknowledgment startled the girl as she turned her scared attention to him.

"Yes, Good Morning," she said as she helped herself with milk for her breakfast tea, avoiding eye contact.

"Very good morning indeed, did you sleep well?" The boys snickered at how different his attitude was towards certain people. "It's a very modest downgrade when compared to back at home, isn't it?"

"It's a 'humble' upgrade for most people," Lestrange commented in the background.

"I'll get used to it," she said as she smiles brightly at Abraxas.

"So, are you keen for Hogsmede?" he asked as he leaned onto the table. Y/n shifted uncomfortably in her seat, as she sipped on her tea as a distraction, she stole a glance at Abraxas. His iconic platinum blonde hair was brighter than the sun that reflected off the silver bowls on the dining table. One could say that his hair was brighter than the future of most students who attends Hogwarts.

"I've already planned an outfit," she cheered. Focusing on the event would help replicate a natural reaction than a crafted facade, she thought, as she admired his zircon but mostly darken to a grey coloured eyes. His structure was sharp and features would be considered elegantly designed which would fit the definition of good looking. She could tell why he's the type that some girls love, quidditch captains and stuff.    

Of a sudden, a hand with long slender fingers gripped Y/n's shoulders which sent cold chills down her neck.

"Omg, you didn't wake me up!" Patted Walburga as she sat down. "I relied on you," her green eyes landed on the innocent silver-haired girl. 

"You looked so peaceful when you slept, I couldn't bring myself to disturb you," Y/n said as she handed Walburga a cup of tea she had brewed for her Wally.

"What class do we have first up?" Asked Lestrange, again, in between bites of food. 

"I think we have Potions and then Ancient Runes with the Hufflepuffs next." Malfoy inputted.

"I'm excited about Ancient Runes," smiled Y/n as she finally manages to relax as she thought about studying. The class was an easy Outstanding as she was fluent in Ancient Runes since childhood. The only books in her home's library she found interesting were written in the old language. Plus, Drumstrang had its advantages. 

"Really? I just don't understand why they had to change scriptures, can't they just stick with one so it won't be bloody annoying?" Walburga cried, earning a few chuckles from the table.  "Enough talking about classes, have you all heard about the new chocolate store opening up in Hogsmede?" 

"I've been!" Parkinson screamed from five seats away, earning a glare from Walburga. Although she was a pureblood, she was never accepted into the group. 

"What about you Abraxas? Have you been?" Asked Y/n, trying to redirect the attention as she poured herself more tea but instead of an answer she was greeted with silence. Confused, she lifted her head up to investigate, only to see Abraxas' even more paled face as they all looked down and ate their breakfast. Sitting directly across y/n was the cause of the silence. 

She felt the familiar dark presence surrounding her, it was venomous...an indescribable feeling of cohesive energy. 

"Good morning to you all." He said as he picked up an apple and the rest replied in a unison. Y/n couldn't help as her eyes still lingered on him. His sharp and mocking eyes stared back as pushed the saucer of his tea cup towards Y/N, gesturing for her to pour him a cup too. 

Her utter fear was visible as the teapot shook vigorously in her hand as she poured the tea into his teacup, spilling some onto the saucer. Before Tom could reach for the cup, Y/N pushed the teacup towards the vigirously eating Lestrange who mouthed a quick 'thank you.' She could feel Tom's eyes staring a hole into her, normally she would glare back at people, but Tom's stares felt like an invisible force pushing her head done...perhaps that is exactly he is doing. A sharp pain interrupted her thoughts as it drilled through her skull and she saw straight though his attempt at legilimency. Y/N was prepared as she lets her guard down slightly and smirked as she felt Tom's confused concious found nothing but darkness in her mind. Just as Tom was fleeing, Y/N used her 'somewhat' skilled occlumency to lock Tom inside her mind...only to mentally let out a siren shriek. 

His legs dumped the table as he jumped up in response, causing concerned and annoyed looks in his direction. 

He dismissed them as he flashed the famous 'good boy' smile and sat down leaving himself, off-guarded for a split second... and she took the opportunity to look into his mind.

Through the whispers of a million voices, her vision finally narrowed as the immagery of a book, lit by a wand, formed. His long pale fingers traced the table of contents, searching for specific words. Before she saw what he was looking for, the imagery disappeared in a smoke and only left the darkness. 

And then a voice greeted her instead, a velvet-like tone...

"Fuck off." It said. 

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