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Hogwarts 1942
Authority and confidence radiated off the girl whose body was rather fragile and weak.

"Sorry to interrupt, but please welcome your new fellow student, Y/n!" Introduced Professor Dippet. Her eyes left to scan the classroom and stepped forward.

"Hello, my name is Y/n L/n of House L/n. It is a pleasure to study amongst all of you." Her words rolled off her tongue as she spoke in her siren-like voice. A humble authority hinted in her voice as she graced the class with her smile.

Tom looked down at his books as a hint of a smile broke through his exterior walls. He was proud as he felt responsible in some sort for the way she is.

As the class cooed over her, she took no notice and gave no evidence of liking the attention. Dumbledore pointed the now emptied seat next to the notorious Abraxas Malfoy as he pulled out his charming looks that would've made any girl weak at her knees, but she was immune.

Tom was curious to see what his little flower had turned into during the eight years. He watched as she plopped down next to Malfoy, immediately engaging in their conversation. Malfoy turned 90 degrees, completely facing her, while she faces the front, occasionally turning to charm him with a smile. He stared at her softly defined features and silk-like silver hair. It was as bright as the snow that covered the field when they first met.

She turned and stole a glance at Tom.

She smiled at him.

But he stared in response.

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