This needs to stop!

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Okay ,so let's get straight to the point

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Okay ,so let's get straight to the point. I have come across a lot of stories where toxic relationship is romanticised and it is not good you guys. Those who are stuck in a toxic relationship ,they know how bad is and how much it sucks. Okay ,now let me tell you why it(toxic relationship) is bad and not cute.
1. Them being overprotective over you or jealous when you talk to others guys /girls is not them caring about just means that they don't trust you,they think that you are gonna cheat and leave them.. that's why they do so.
2. Them not wanting you to leave the house is not because they care about you.. it's just because they don't want others to look at you ,cause as those " stories " suggest...they own, people are free beings , nobody owns someone,even when you are in a relationship,you are not a thing that is to be owned ,and by them not wanting you to leave the house means they want to cage you.
3. Them forcing you into stuff like intercourse is not out of love , it's out of obsession cause let me tell you, love is a strong and a pure emotion. If they loved you in the first place ,they would not force you into having an intercourse and love includes communication, understanding ,trust ,faith, commitment to keep the relationship going no matter what and all those pure beautiful words ,this is why love is a pure and a strong emotion,it is all about giving without expecting anything in return .. obsession on the other hand is a toxic emotion to begin with ,it is all about feeling the need to own someone (in case of "romance") and when someone can't even respect their partner decisions.
4. Them harming you out of anger , jealousy is not shows that they just don't trust you .
So ,please stop romanticising these toxic relationships, it's not healthy nor do they love you,people who genuinely are stuck in one ,know how bad it is and if you are one of those people who is stuck in a toxic relationship ,please get help and if you feel like someone is stuck in a toxic relationship ,please help them.
(Note- by "you" I meant all those people who romanticise about toxic relationships.)

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