Concept of Feminism

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Now before I start this whole debate about feminism , I would like to tell you the meaning of certain terms:1

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Now before I start this whole debate about feminism , I would like to tell you the meaning of certain terms:
1. Misandrist- a person who dislikes ,despises or is strongly prejudiced against men.
2. Misogynist - a person who dislikes ,despises or is strongly prejudiced against women .
3. Feminist- someone who believes that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities.
4.Pseudo feminist aka misandrists- someone who believes that women deserves more right.
(Now keep these meanings in your mind and now let's start this debate.)
So , I have seen some people(who are either immature males or pseudo feminist or someone who are poor at doing research) misinterpret the meaning of feminism . They think Feminism revolves around the fact that females deserves more right and male deserves no right at all(I bet those idiots skipped their history class) ,which is absolutely wrong , Feminism is about the fact ,that both males and females deserves equal right and opportunities . Now you might be wondering that if so ,then why word Feminist and Feminism ..why not something like humanist and Humanisim , now Feminism falls under the category of Humanisim of course but my theory(which might be true cause it does makes sense) regarding why the term feminist and Feminism is used instead of humanist and Humanisim ,is because ,the first fight for equal rights started in 1848(it still continues) ,at that time  women were taught be a good housewife , daughter and had no say in family matters or any matters at all ,were not allowed to vote or even go out to do jobs , whereas males were allowed to do all of these stuff , meaning males had  these rights whereas females ....nope ,so in order to achieve equality ,women had to be pushed forward since they belonged to a passive class as labelled by the males(not all males,just sexist ones)  and since women belonged to a class that suffered ,the word "Feminist and Feminism " were born and if you have not skipped your history class ,you might know that there were and still are a lot of males that consider themselves feminist ,cause they believe in equality . If you ever had an encounter with someone who hates males and believes that females deserves more right ,are misandrist or pseudo feminist and not feminist and let me tell you one thing as well , there are females who are misogynist as well ,just cause they wanna impress their sexist husbands/ boyfriends and there are males who are misandrists ,just cause they wanna impress their pseudo feminist crush .So my dear " humanists" ,if you believe in equal rights ,that alas makes you a feminist,if you do not believe me ,go search up the meaning of Feminist and Feminism.
Conclusion- feminists are equality believer.

Note- no hate intended.
(Make sure to comment your thoughts and opinions.)
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