Farmers Protest 4

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(This one will be short and most probably the last one regarding the Farmers Protest

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(This one will be short and most probably the last one regarding the Farmers Protest.)
Okay,so I had a conversation with my parents regarding this whole issue . Now my parents are those type of people who would like to hold those people accountable who had actually made mistake and are wrong . So when I had a conversation with them regarding this issue ,they said that:
1. It is only the Sikh farmers that are protesting ,that too only rich farmers ,whereas farmers of other states and areas(especially poor) have said nothing , some of them who have phones have even gone far enough to comment that they are in favour of the Farmers Bill ,so why are only Sikh farmers (who are rich) protesting and they(my parents) even said that it is probably the opposition parties who are misleading them and encouraging them to start this protest for their own good.
2. What they(my parents) believe the government is doing wrong is that rather than listening to those farmers and trying to make those farmers understand the Farmers  bill ,they are attacking them with water and cutting out the sanitation system for them ,which is wrong and this will also be the reason why the citizens might stand up against the government in the future.

Conclusion- only Sikh farmers ( that too rich ones ) are protesting against the farmers bill,which is kinda sus ...also the government is taking wrong moves in order to stop the outraged farmers (which is wrong as well).

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