Farmers Protest 2

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Okay...I am so damn confused.
So , the situation regarding the farmers protest seems to be getting worse. So Sikh (a religious community) farmers  are now getting attacked by water by the police and they are being prevented from entering the capital of our country (even those farmers who want peace and just want to be heard are being treated like that) and in certain areas of the country internet is being cut (people say it's in order to prevent protest and so the citizens don't find out the true colours of the government.) And you know even the old age farmers are being beaten up and attacked by water and the citizens who support the farmers are mad at the government for not respecting the community cause they get it about the toxic part of the community but they believe why is the government and the police treating the peace wanting part of the community the same as the toxic one's.
A lot of the celebrities and well known figures of my country stand with the government and are saying that the farmers law is good for the farmers and especially the poor ones. It's the rich farmers that have problem .
Now what I think the government is doing wrong:
1. They are mistreating all the farmers ,even those who want peace and just want peace.
2. They cut down the internet in various areas..see during the pandemic ,it was due to internet that people were getting their education ,they are not only putting a stop to education but also cutting the voice of people and so ,they are destroying the concept of the democracy.
3. They are not listening to the farmers(still) ,the thing is ,if the government wants the protest to be stopped ,they first need to hear what the farmers wants to say.
Now what is farmers mistake?
1. Well ,in farmers case , it's only about the toxic community that needs to learn to be peaceful and find other means in order to be heard ,cause most of the citizens stand with the farmers after seeing all these brutality performed by the higher authorities.

Now , although certain people appreciated the support of the foreign celebrities , some people say that they got money from someone to speak about it and this is the only reason why the spoke about it( I mean it does kinda makes sense cause ,many things happen in my country , and never have a ever seen them give a damn about it and now all of a sudden they care about India...sus) Now regardless ,I still believe they should not speak up about the political things happening in other countries I said ..they don't reside there and chances are they are not well aware about the exact situation and it will cause them to receive  hate.(political situations are a sensitive issue.)

Now when certain foreign celebrities talked about the whole situation , celebrities of our country spoke about it all of them spoke respectfully about the whole foreign celebrities speaking about the situation , except one...and to be honest...I am so ashamed of her(Indian celebrity) ,now let me tell you she is the ruling government supporter. She called Rihanna a porn start and spoke ill about her ,now I get her rage ,but going out commenting on others career is not a mature move , especially when you don't even know anything about someone's career ,she not only disrespected a woman but also shamed her career , all the careers deserves equal respect and that was very immature of her.

Conclusion- government needs to be mature as well as the toxic part of the farmers community , foreign celebrities should not comment about other countries political situations and that Indian actress needs to be mature.
(Note- no hate intended.)
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