Not cool at all

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So , although it doesn't happen in my school since we have school uniform

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So , although it doesn't happen in my school since we have school uniform..but I have heard ,that in schools that do not have school uniform ..there are still dress code imposed on people... especially girls..which is so atrocious..
These dress codes such as not allowing girls to wear shorts that are too short or leggings ,short skirt etc. is basically imposed cause "it will distract boys " . This is really discriminative ..rather than teaching boys to control their emotions and actions ,they are caging girls , denying their freedom...just because "it will distract boys".
I believe such adults deserve a lesson...and if you study in a school where such dress codes are imposed than you should take a step and bring a change, bring a change in this society, bring a change in such ludicrous people.

Conclusion: don't fear anyone and take a step to bring a change in this society when you see that someone's freedom is being denied.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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