Things I would like to teach my Son and Daughter

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(Of course when I am old😂,too young right now)Things I would like to teach my Son:(part 1)1

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(Of course when I am old😂,too young right now)
Things I would like to teach my Son:(part 1)
1. Respect everyone , you don't need to fall low at their level to prove your point.
2. When a woman/girl says no ,it means no , no need to persuade them . Let's say that you have known a woman for a long time ,and you wanna be in a relationship with her ,and she says no(when you ask her) ,than it means no ,if she is playing hard to get ,than that's her loss and don't ask out a girl as soon as you meet her , don't need to be desperate to be in a relationship just because your friends are in relationship , be smart ,also no smart girl will say yes anyways ,so many crimes are happing ...due to which women have trust issues.
3. Don't make fun of girls /women when they are on periods ,that is not what a gentleman does , also none of the girls /women like it, it's just a biological process , nothing else to be bothered by ,treat her right.
4. Respect others feelings , emotions and opinions ,cause everyone wants to be heard and respected ,if others don't respect yours , doesn't mean you have to fall low at their level as well.
5. Don't make fun of your girlfriend/wife in front of your friends ,just to appear cool in front of your friends , that's not how manners works and you will end up hurting their feelings,also in order to appear cool in front of them(friends) ,you might loose someone who would have been there for you forever.
6. Don't ever drink or smoke ,you will not only destroy  your life ,you will destroy others life as well.
7. It is okay to be vulnerable sometimes and be depended on others , it will not affect your masculinity ,it only proves that you are a human and not a robot.
8. It's okay to earn less than your wife /girlfriend , and you should be proud of her and make sure to let her know that also make sure to give a lesson to all those who will mock you for earning less than your wife/girlfriend.
9. Loving your wife /girlfriend is not a bad thing , those people are dumb who will call you simp for loving your wife/girlfriend.
10. You don't always need to "man up".
11. Don't ever make fun of someone.
12. Don't ever cheat on someone and make sure not to make someone feel uncomfortable.
13. Don't ever take out your anger and frustration on someone , control your emotions.
14. Be a learner and also be open to others opinion.
Note - by "you" and " your" , I meant the son
(You can comment what you would like to teach your son/s)

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