Girl Talk!

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(Boys should read as well)Periods

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(Boys should read as well)
Periods ....a biological cycle that every women , trans men and non - binary hates(yes , periods are not just limited to women.) We won't really mind periods much if it didn't really cause any pains, cramps etc. and I know some people just bleeds and don't face any of these pains etc.( and trust me folks...I am jealous of them.) God , due to these cramps and pains ,we people have to go through mood swings and at that moment ,we are not really much capable of controlling our moods and due to which ...our known folks have to tolerate us (props to all the folks who understand their friends ,lovers and family members mood swings and tolerate them.) You know I read somewhere ,that period pains are the second most painful ones (first being the pain a mother faces while giving birth), so props to all those folks out their who go to work and control the pain as well. Now before I start discussing something serious regarding periods ,I would like to share my ways of decreasing the period pains.(might not work for you as we all have different types of body. )
1.Hot bottle (the most famous one)- keep hot bottle(of course filled with hot water) works ,but the thing is you can only use it during the winters.
2. Eat chocolates(especially dark chocolates)- it works like a pain killer to me.
3. Lay on you stomach- provides complete or partial relief.
4.Drink lots of water(stay hydrated folks)- water provides energy in case you feel like fainting.
5. Eat rice with provides energy.
6. Don't stay empty stomach increases the pain.
7. Take a I am pretty sure you might feel like not doing anything at all..but the professionals says that during periods ,you should take walk ,it decreases or even get rid of the pain and keeps you fit.
8. Do exercise - now as much as you might feel like not doing exercises , due to overflow of blood or just cause periods cause laziness should do exercise .. especially cardio ,it helps with the mood swings and get rid of any pain or cramps.
9. Do some work and get distracted.
10. Now if nothing works ,then take pain killers ,but make sure to consult a doctor first, don't feel ashamed.

Yeah , now time for some awareness .
So I have seen a lot of young girls , sometimes even women be ashamed of them being on period , it's exactly not even period , it's about them being on period being revealed in front of males and what will they think or what if they make fun of them. Well ladies ,in that case , regardless of whatever men have to say ,you should not be ashamed of a biological process ,in case they make fun of you ,then education failed and so did the manners that the parents taught them ,you should never ever feel embarrassed about it and if they make fun of you and say stuff like ," Ew, periods are gross ", say ," yeah, sometimes gross stuff come out of our vagina, like you came out of your mother" and give them a lesson ,learn to stand up for yourself , don't be embarrassed ,every women ,non binary and trans men go through this ,it is something normal . And my non binary and trans men folk ,you too should not feel ashamed about it , it's normal , don't let others opinion affect you , stand up for yourself .
Now ,those social media influencers out there are giving wrong message as well ,you know in the video they act embarrassed in front of their boyfriends or whoever they are with ,now I get it that it takes time to be not embarrassed about it but you need to take an initiative to bring the change in the minds of the males ,if you act embarrassed and secretive ,how will they change (only those boys who love making fun of folks for having periods) and how will you find out whether they will make fun of you or not ,and trust me if they do make your fun ,then they don't deserve your love and they need education (cause they probably skipped the science class.) You as a human ,need to take initiative to bring a change ,you know certain cultures consider being on periods an impure thing ,and when on periods ,women are not even allowed to enter house or cook food or enter a temple(a religious place) cause they are "impure" ,now if in  the past women stood up against the "women being impure" thing, then women  would have not been considered impure , that's why I am saying ,stand up yourselves ,give all those immature males(sometimes in certain cultures even women are immature about it.. sadly) a lesson when they start acting ludicrous.

Conclusion- don't be embarrassed about periods , it's normal and make sure to stand up for yourself and bring a change in this society.

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