||When the Dead Come Knocking||

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Rick was walking outside with his daughter in his arms

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Rick was walking outside with his daughter in his arms. Carl, Riley, Beth, and Hershel behind him. 

"She looks like you." He tells Carl. Carl looks at his dad and laughs with Riley.

He then looks into the distance and sees something at one of the gates. He hands the baby to Carl and then makes his way down there. 

He gets closer and that's when he notices that it's a woman. She's covered in blood so the walkers mistake her for one of their own. He then realizes that she's carrying a basket of formula with Delilah's bow and hat in it.

Carl and Riley run down to see what's going on. The woman let's out a grunt of pain and a walker turns to her. The woman backs away and the walkers all go for her. She kills a few of them with her sword before passing out from blood loss. 

Rick, Riley and, Carl all help get the woman to safety. Riley runs and grabs the basket full of formula and Delilah's stuff.

"Is she bit?" Hershel asks as him and Beth get to the scene.

"Gunshot." Rick tells him. He then picks the woman up and they get back to the cell block. 

"Carl get a blanket." Rick says. "Beth, Riley, water and a towel." 

Carl grabs a blanket and lays it on the floor. Dylan runs out with the twins to see what's happening. 

"She's not coming in the cellblocks." Rick says. Rick lays the woman down. He gets a water bottle and pours it onto the woman's chest making her wake up.

"What's going on?" Dylan asks. 

"Who are you?" Rick asks the woman. She then turns and tried to grab her katana but Rick kicks it away and Riley snatches it putting it on a table. "No. We're not going to hurt you unless you try something stupid first, all right?"

"Rick." Daryl says as he walks into the room. "Who the hell is this?"

Riley walks over and takes Easton from Dylan. 

"You wanna tell us your name?" Rick asks the woman. "You wanna tell us your name?" He repeats.

"Y'all come on in here." Daryl says.

"Everything all right?" Rick asks him. 

"You're gonna wanna see this." Daryl says. Rick then tells everyone to go and Carl and Riley grab the stuff the woman brought.

"We'll keep this safe and sound. The doors are all locked. You'll be safe here." Rick tells the woman. "And we can treat that." He motions to the gunshot wound.

"I didn't ask for your help." She says.

"Doesn't matter." Rick says before turning and walking into the cell block. "Can't let you leave."

Daryl then leads them all to a cell and to there surprise, Carol is there sitting on a bed. 

She stands up and pulls Rick into a hug. 

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