Scenario 6: When you met again.

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The sun shines bright in the mid-morning, warming up and erasing the last coolness of the night.
Fujin and Liu Kang appeared on a hilltop, not far from the Wu Shi academy, the young fire god inhales the fresh morning air while listening to nature.
Fujin close his eyes and let the wind caress his face, like nature is greeting him on the new day.
Re-opening his eyes and stare up at the sky while the clouds slowly float away.

/Another beautiful day, in the most beautiful realm/ Thought the wind god while a smile appears on his face.

"I am ready when you are Lord Fujin" Liu Kang spoke, turning his attention the fire god trainee.
"Of course" Fujin nodded as he steps closer to him "We; the elemental gods have powers of the elements, my brother control Lightning and thunder, myself the winds, and you; fire" He gesture Liu to the clearing of the Hilltop "Did you read the scroll I handed to you?" Liu nodded.
"I study it over three times" he answer as he walked on the grassy area.
"Good" He stood across from the fire god "The point of using our powers are focus, calm mind and breathing".
"I am aware" a cheeky smile appeared on Liu's face, which Fujin chuckle.
"Being one with your elemental will protect you and fight for you" Fujin get into a stands, his arms held in front of his chest while spreading his legs apart.

"Please follow my stance" order Fujin which Liu Kang did "Follow my movement and slowly breathe" He close his eyes "And before you ask, yes it is like doing Tai Chi', your power is also your internal energy, it's best to let it flow within your body" He started to move his arms more slowly to the side then breathe "We will try moving your powers all over your body first".
"Yes Lord Fujin" Liu Kang agreed.
"Remember to calm your mind and breathe" Fujin added, Liu Kang hummed "Once you understand internal energy, we will summon our powers little by little".
"Yes" Liu Kang agreed.

They move together in sync, deep breathing and feeling their power flowing into their bodies.
A swirling vortex appeared around Fujin's arms as he gently move, Liu's fire spark and light around his hands creating a small flame.
They both stop as they look at Liu's hands, the fire god looks surprise and happy.

"For the next few days, Raiden and I will show you more of your powers" Fujin smile at his student.
"I look forward to it" a smile appears on Liu Kang's lips.


Two days later

"Well..." Dr. Moira sigh while tapping her pen on the notebook "That much have been an interesting weekend for you" your turn sigh.
"Tell me about" you lean against the chair while placing your hands on your head "I wish he could had left a note so I know that he'll be alright or someone pick him up" You remove your hands from your head and run them through your hair "I guess you can say I want some peace of mind".
"You do worry for him" She smile "I understand" slumping her shoulders while she cross her legs "But I do agree with your grandma and Eric" You groan.
"I'm fully aware what I did" You frown at her "I get it, please I don't want to have another lecture, and I'm already going to do my punishment this weekend anyway" Moira laugh.
"Still I don't blame them" the dark hair woman wrote her notes down "But...How could that pile of dirt resulted into his upper arms getting hurt but not his hands?".
"You know I did thought he was drunk" You thought out loud "Maybe in a drunken daze he just dig?".
"I see drunk people; dance, sing, strip, either in blissful happiness or unlocking hidden rage" Her brows narrow as she remember some of her patients confess of lovers, family or themselves showing their ugly side when they are drunk, then she closed her eyes "But never digging unless he was high".
"He wasn't that for sure" You laugh "I remember seeing an old high school friend get high every Saturday and all he does is getting pillows to make mansion" Dr. Moira look at you with confuse, you shrug "Don't ask, I did and he said 'I wanted to make cloud fort and pillow were only here' then getting something to eat".
"At least he's stop getting high now?" She ask, you nodded "If you have met that man again, what would you do?"
"Well asking him if he's okay then...that's it" you answer "I don't expect a reward or 'Hey world look I did a kind thing!, Praise me!' just a moment of kindness" you answer, Moira's lips curve into upwards.
"I believe we all need that from time to time" She wrote down her notes then she hummed "I could ask my cousin about any Role play groups with 'Asian mythic' themes happening, he's been a part of it for nearly ten years".
"Will that give us a clue where he is?" You ask.
"If they are in the area, then we know it happening, possibly finding the guy" She answer, her phone started to beep, she lean down and turn off the beeping "That's it for today" you both stood up then stretch "Same time next week?"
"Yup" you agreed.

Gentle as the Breeze - FujinXReader Scenarios - Mortal Kombat SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now