Scenario 3: The calm storm and how you first met.

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"Did you respond to his text message?" Dr. Moira ask on the phone while you pace in your bedroom. By the time you got home from work you enter your room and called her right away, you did explain what happen after your therapy session with her and afterwards.
"No I didn't, not yet" You sigh while sitting on your bed "I'm not sure what to say".
"You don't have to right now" She said gently "Wait a few days".
"I'm more worried about my grandma, after he texted me he call her and ask about my whereabouts and my grandma told him off about not letting me contact first" Moira chuckled on the other line.

"Remind me not to mess or anger your grandmother" She replied while you smile.
"Believe me you don't want to, she's that protected over her grandkids" You laugh.

"Either ways, like I said you don't have to replied to him right now, wait for a bit or if you feel up to it then contact him and for a conversation with him" reassure Moira "You have that power".

Feeling relief filled your body your thankful she said those works and she's right, it was your choice, your power, your wants and needs; no one else's.
Wrapping an arm around yourself and took in a few breathes to feel calm and safe, while a small smile appeared on your face.
Reminding yourself you are your own person regardless about what happens in the future and only you can move forward ahead while you can believe you can still face anything yet, you still have a long way to go but getting there.

"Thank you" You said, she chuckled again.
"You're welcome" She replied. "So what are you going to do for the weekend that your grandma is gone?".
"Probably just laze around, order food, watch movies and play games" You answer. "I did ask a few friends if they want to come over and chill but since it was last minute, they couldn't make it".
"It is good to have some time for yourself" She reminded you "Are you planning to go somewhere then?".
"I already did my shopping and I'll going go out to take Winston out for a walk later on"  Standing up from your bed, suddenly you heard a loud knocking coming from her line.
"In a minute" Her voice fainted a bit; guessing she pulled her phone away from you to answer that then you now hear her clearly "I'm sorry to cut this short but someone is waiting for me".
"Oh no worries I understand" You said.
"If you still need to talk about something, just leave a message and I'll get back at you soon as can" Moira said.
"I believe we are good for now, but I will when something happens" You stretch your limp out "I'll talk to you later then".
"Have a good weekend!" Moira exclaim.
"You too" You smile "Bye".

Ending the call you place it on your bedside table and plug it in to charge since it was getting low on battery.
You lay on your bed and sigh letting the softness of your bed welcome you and close your eyes for a bit.
It didn't last long as you felt something jump on your bed and went towards you and attack your face with something wet.
Groaning you rolled to your side trying to cover your face.

"Winston!" You laugh "Stop it!" it only encourage your dog to kiss attack you more, you eventually have a hold of his body and gently pull him away still laughing, he panted tongue hanging out while wagging his tail happily, you made him sit on your bed "You heard me say 'walk' and you bolted to my room for it" he tilted his head while you shook yours "I'll walk you in a moment" you tap his nose while he whimper "In a moment" you remind him, getting off your bed and headed towards downstairs with him following you.

You enter the living room to take a peek outside to see if Mara's daughter; Eleanor will pull up.
Your grandma is getting ready and she ask you to keep an eye out and call her if Eleanor comes driving in.
While watching and keeping an eye out for her you wonder what should you have for dinner? Sure you can order but that is for tomorrow on Saturday since you still have some food in the house.
If you remember right you did bought a fruit salad from the food court when you got off work for lunch among with some side food you can throw in the oven for a bit that you don't have to wait long for it. Figure you should go through the freezer to see what's there.
Winston walked up to you and drops his head on your lap; asking for pets which you happily gives him some.
Hearing a car engine in the distance you look out the window to see a small deep red car slowly pulled up from the side-walk in front of your grandma's house and stop then six seconds later you see a woman step out of the car and walked towards the front steps.

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