Scenario 7: Back to Normal?

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"Wait, he came back!? Last night?!" Dr. Moira exclaims on the other line of your phone.
"Yup he came back" You said as you lean on the bed "I couldn't believe myself".
"Still...Did you get what you wanted?" She questions.
"Yes I'm glad he's doing well and better" you smile "That took some weight off my mind" you confess but there was something bugging you.

The words he said last night before he left 'It's people like you give me more reason to protect the realm' echo in your mind.

/What the hell does he mean by that?/ You thought, a small frown appearing on your face.

That line you can't shake off because it stands out to you more then his clothes, and he look and sound happy like he had a mission to do, you did think back again if it was like a roleplay line again since at times people do get engross into their role that it shows up in their everyday life.
However they know when to stop or it can cause problems for everyone who doesn't understand.
You shrug and exhale from your nose there's no point in to going back to that thought since well you won't see him again regardless.

"(Y/N)?" A voice broke your train of thought.
"Y-yes I'm here!" you stated a little embarrass for zoning out like that "I zone out for a bit, sorry!" you heard her laugh on the other line.
"It's alright" she said "At least that has pass now" Moira comment, then she thought of something "Did you tell your grandma that was him?" She ask.
"Not ready, I mean I think it wasn't necessary" then your mind flashes from last night "And...If I did, he would get hit with her bat" You stated with a playful shrug.
"l admit I did find it funny your grandma was ready to hit him with the baseball bat" you let out a laugh at the image from last night, yea it was scary for the man but honestly it was kind of funny as long no one got hurt "Where is your grandma now?"
"She's on a walk with her friend Larissa, heading towards the park to hang out all day, then she'll pick up dinner later on" you answer while you reach over and played a bit of your hair, listing to your dog snoring away, laying on his back with his feet up in the air.
"By the way, are you okay?" She pauses briefly which you know what she's going to ask "When he touches your upper right shoulder I mean".
"Yeah I'm okay now" you let your shoulders slump but also glance at your right side "He didn't know and I don't blame him" you close your eyes "Thought I wish he would just called out for me then do that, yet I'm thankful he told me to take deep breathes".
"I subject you keep that up to" She reminded you "The more you do it, it'll help you in the long run, as well when your in a safe place".

There was silence on both your end, you thought you were past 'that' right now since its been a few years but it looks like you still need more work. Moira knew what you were thinking and thought it's now time to digest another therapy session, she told you what happens when you have a panic again and how to calm yourself down.
She was glad he help you with it, but it's now to move on to another session.

"I think we should move on to the next step in the session" She stated which raise your eyebrow up.
"Like what?" you ask.
"...Touch trigger therapy" she pointed out. You were hesitance.
"...I remember you told me about that" you recoil as your right shoulder started to tingle.
"It's up to you if you want to take it but you can't prolong it for to long" gently stated Moira "You don't have to give me an answer now".
"Y-Yes..." You shutter a bit while you shallow the liquid in your mouth "I'll think about it" She hummed and decide to change the subject.
"Anyway, what do you have plan today?" She asks, you breathe in.
"Probably just relax" You glance at the draw-string bag he gave you on your side table.

You of course got rid of the dirty bandages because...why would you keep them? Yet you kept the bag like he requests, you wonder if he'll come back for the bag or just again move on like before when you thought you wouldn't see him again. However, since what happen last night; life has a weird sense of humor.
Opening your mouth to talk more then you hear a hard knock on Moira's end, she called out 'Who is it?' A reply was heard but it was faint, your doctor let out a sigh.

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