Scenario 9: A Bad Day

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Lazy Sunday at 2:45pm, sun shines while you finish washing the last of the pot you use and place it in the drying rack.
With a sigh you walk to the fridge and grab a can of (Favorite soda pop) open it and drink it while pulling out your phone.
Scrolling down on whatever you were reading, pulling out a chair from the table and sat down.
Your grandma enter the kitchen to place her tea cup in the sink and turn on the water to let it fill.

"Do you want (favorite pasta) for dinner tonight?" She asks.
"Sure, I'll take (frozen ingredient) in a moment" You said taking a slip of your drink as you place your phone on table.

Winston enter the kitchen and headed straight to the backdoor, that's your que. You stood up from the chair, headed towards the door and open it for him then he run out which you shut it.
Deciding to take that ingredient out now so it out and ready, you went back to the fridge and open the freezer and grab it, close the freezer door and open the cabinet and grab a plate.
A familiar jiggle fill your ears as the ingredient on the plate and place it on the countertop.

"Can you hand over my phone to me grandma?" You ask as you turn to look at her and see her expression.

Her eyes narrow with slighter anger and frown at your phone, confuse to why you follow her stare towards your phone's screen and your heart sink.

Incoming call: Dad

Nervous fill your being while trying to calm yourself, your grandma looks at you and wondering what you're going to do.

"You don't have to take it" She gently remind you "Beside he knows he shouldn't be reaching out for you".
"I know...but" you swallow what liquid in your mouth "I...I think it's time I should answer him".

Your heart beating into your rib cage with your decision because even though you verbality agreed however your mind and body said otherwise but you know you can't keep avoiding him, you been for the past five months now without a proper conversation with him or your mom; let alone one on the phone. You give short text messages because you want to let your parents know you and grandma were doing alright, but lately your dad has been pushing more to call you which you didn't want for a while but and right now you decide to take the dive or you won't more forward with this step. When he does called your grandma's house landline, she does answer him and talk to him but refuse any request when he wants to talk to you, he has to do with talking to her about what's going on in your life.
A sigh escapes your grandma's lips, knowing this will be your choice; picked up your phone and handed it over to you.

"Put it on speaker so I can hear what's going on" She request, you nodded answer the phone and press the speaker button, taking a deep breathe.
"H-Hello?" You said.
"Oh um...Hi (Y/N)" Your dad spoke back sound surprise that you picked up.
"How it going? And how's mom?" you ask, sitting back down on your chair, your grandma walked to the cabinet to grab glass.
"We're doing fine, just planning on selling our old car" he pauses and chuckle "It finally decide to die out".
"The old (Car model type)? Wow...It's been nearly seventh-teen years since you had it" Placing your phone on the table then lean back against the chair. That car has been in your family when your dad bought it when you were in your last year of elementary school. He loved that car and did whatever he can he keep it up to shape.
"Sadly it is time to go" a sigh escape for his lips "But the person who likes to collect use cars give me a good price".
"That's...good" you said.
"How is your grandma?" He asks.
"I'm fine my son!" Your grandma speaks up while pouring herself orange juice, made you jump in surprise.
"Y-You have me on speaker phone?!" He said in surprise.
"Yeah" You answer, you heard him 'Damnit! Hope that didn't happen' under his breath which you notice "What was that?".
"N-Nothing" Your dad compose himself while clearing his voice "There is something I want to tell you".
"What is it?" You ask, staring at your phone.
"I was like to have dinner sometime?" He ask, "With you, your mom and I" this surprise you however your grandma stare at the phone curious.
"Dinner?" You repeated his words. Your heart fluttering with glee.
"Yes! Your mom and I decide that we should had dinner to catch up, bring Grandma if you want and of course. You can pick the restaurant or have it at grandma's house" You can feel the smile in his voice. You look at your grandma wondering if it's okay, she shrugs.
"I-I'll think about it" You answer, not sure yet but you were interested "Let me check my work schedule" you said.
"Great!" your dad cheered "Also can I invite someone to join us?" You blink wondering who it is he wants to invite to dinner, while your grandma place drink on the countertop.
"Well...I want to know who your invite first" You ask, there was a brief pause on your dad's side, this made you and your grandma nervous " there?".
"Yes...I'm here" He answer "I was wondering if its okay if (ex-name) will join us".

Gentle as the Breeze - FujinXReader Scenarios - Mortal Kombat SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now