Scenario 5: Thoughts

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Swiping your time card into the clock in machine then press the 'Clock out' button and let out a sigh. Another day another dollar.
Walking back to your locker to grab your items and head home for the day, despite it being Monday were everyone dislikes starting the work week. You on the other hand didn't care and just shrug it off; it's just another normal day, to others they get theirs shifts on different days then Monday.
Unlocking your locker you grab your bag, place your time card in the locker, closing the door and lock it.
Walking into the employee lunch room; it was wide enough to fit thirdly people in with nine long tables with twenty fold up chairs, two bending machines; once fill with funk food and candy the second on fill with soft drinks, juices and water. There were also two large fridges in the far right corner.
Walking over to the left of two fridges, you open it and grab your lunch bag; you quickly glance inside as annoyance expression appears on your face.
You see food or drink; mostly slurries left in the fridge and you sigh.

"They really need to enforce the 'leaving food and drink behind in the fridge' more because it won't be any space left and more of a mess" you mutter.

It happen a few times someone when to grab or put their lunch bag into the fridge but unknowing knock a drink down and spilled everywhere and made your bag wet. You didn't know until you place it on your car's floor when you entered. When you came home and pulled up against the sidewalk and exit your car you saw a small wet stain on it. It made you angry and you clean up the spot.
Shaking your head as you close the fridge door and exit the lunch room, while walking down the to the exit you say your byes to your co-workers and manger while saying 'good morning' to the night crew that was slowly coming in to start their shift.
Exiting the building and headed towards your car from the parking lot while letting out a tired yawn.
Pressing the button on your car keys as the car beep unlocking, putting your stuff in the passage side of the car then step into the driver's side and started up your car and pull out of your work's parking lot and on the highway.
Glancing at your road at the time; 4:24 pm.
Your phone beep as you slowly stop to a stop light, you quickly grab your bag and reach in to pull out our phone to quickly read it.

Hey, got here three minutes ago and your grandma just got home.

You replied to the message while keeping an eye of the light in case it changes.

Kay, I just left work and coming home.

Pressing send you place your phone back into your bag and place it next to the passage side. Just in time as the light change to green.
You were wondering how to word about the 'event' that happen on the weekend, all day at work you were trying phrases it better.
However regardless how to word it you know you're getting a lecture.
About ten minutes later you pulled up in the sidewalk near your home and turn off the car grab your things and exit the vehicle.
Once you were on the steps of the porch you press the lock button twice then walked up the door.
By the time you were placing your hand on the door, Winton started barking knowing his human is home.
You laugh as you twist the door knob, open it and walked in. Not even a second before you close the door Winton dash towards you and try to jump on you to give you a kiss.
You told him not to jump which he followed your order and sat down as you place your things near the door for later and walk towards the kitchen and headed outside in the backyard.
Seeing both Eric and your grandma standing there looking at the pile, once they heard the back door open they turn around and see you.
Grandma headed towards you as you walk down the steps, she pulled you into a warm hug.

"Oh sweetie, are you alright?!" She ask again while pull herself away from the hug and look at you with worried.
"Yes I'm fine grandma" you smile. Eric walked up to you two as she sigh.
"Heaven forbid" She shook her head then look back at her poor backyard "If children have nothing better to do, they could try something else to value their time" Your Grandma stated in a sheered tone.
"Sadly it is what it is" Eric comment. "What do you want to do with it though?" ask the man. While your grandma ponder, You thought it would be right time to speak.
"Well..." you started, both adults turn to look at you "What if I told you, it wasn't kids that did this?" You side glance.
"What do you mean?" your grandma asks. You took a deep breathe.
"Something did happen that night, I heard a loud crash deciding to check it out; thinking it could have been a tree branch that has fallen, I grab a flashlight, took Winston out with me and check" you pointed at the mess in the garden "Truth be told I thought the damage was minimal at best, I looked around for a tree branch but didn't find any, Winston started barking" You took another deep breathe "I went to him and found a man lying on the ground".
"What?!" Both grandma and Eric exclaim.
"He was hurt and needed medical attention I took him to the guest room near the kitchen and tented to him" you fiddle with your sleeves "Once I finish, I decide to call the ambulance and they'll take him to the hospital but he said he didn't need the ambulance and just wanted to rest" Embracing yourself for the consequence from both of them "I decide to let him be and sleep in the room on the couch, Winston was with me the whole night and when I woke up, he was gone" Before your grandma and Eric was going to ask you spoke up.
"I am okay, he didn't hurt or try anything on me and nothing in the house was stolen when he left" You explain more.
"How badly hurt was he?" Your grandma ask, you bit your lip.
"I-I don't know" your slump your shoulders "Only visible injuries was his arms, not sure about internal damage" Anger flash in Eric's face.
"You should have called an ambulance, hell you should have called me and I would have come and help" replied Eric, you were about to answer that it was too late in the night to call but he cut you off "Even if it too late, still call me" Eric sigh in frustration "Damnit (Y/N) he could have try something".
"I know but he didn't" You correct him.
"Did he even leave a note for you or did he have a phone or wallet on him for you to contact someone and come and get him?" He stated.

Gentle as the Breeze - FujinXReader Scenarios - Mortal Kombat SeriesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя