Scenario 10: Treat yourself

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Forty minutes.
That how long it take for you to eventually calm down from your panic attack, finally controlling your breathing and letting out quiet sobs.
Your grandma and Eric manage to calm you down and reassure you that you are in a safe place, Eric gently grip your arm and pulled you up with your grandma's help to sit you back on the chair you fall out off, Eric quickly went to the cabinet to grab a glass and filled it up with water from the sink, Winton place his head on your lap to comfort you as best he can as Eric handed the glass over to you, which you take and slowly drink from it. Your grandma grab a few pieces of paper towel sheets and handed it to you so you can blow your nose.
Feeling such relief from drinking the cool water, felt good on your throat, you sniff then use the sheet to blow, trying to breathe. After that you crumple up the use paper towel piece and trying to talk but your voice is horse. Your grandma decide that you should go to your bedroom and rest, which you agree because you were wipe out from crying and your head was spinning. Plus your body is slowed down from the panic attack.
Slowly you try to stand up but couldn't find the strength to support yourself. With Eric and your grandma's help, steady you on your feet and lead your bedroom.
You nearly trip on the stairs due to how weak your legs were but they made it up to your door which luckily wasn't closed.
Eric let go of your arm as your grandma lead you on your bed and lay you down and stroke you back in comfort again then stroke your fore-head and hair. Winton jump on your bed and lay next to you on the other side while putting his head on your arm.
Feeling at peace you fell asleep, your grandma slowly stood up and walked out of your room and shut the door, leaving you alone for now.
You slept for almost six hours, by the time you woke up it was nearly dark outside. You looked at your alarm clock at flashes 8:12pm due to you can't find your phone. Summoning your strength to pull yourself out of your bed and finding your balance you walked towards your door and open it. Stepping out and headed downstairs.
Winton woke up too, did stretch on your bed then yawn then jump off your bed and followed you.
Once you reach downstairs you see your grandma and Eric sitting in the living room. They see you and stand up asking how are you feeling.
You replied you were fine but drain and still tired and a little hungry, Eric gotten Chinese food for you and your grandma for dinner, because you were stress out and your grandma was worried. Your grandma put the frozen (ingredient) in the fridge and you two will have it tomorrow night.
Of course you wanted to pay him back for it but he declines the money and saying this is the least he can do. Plus your grandma tried giving him money as well but he refuse to take her money as well.
Your grandma said you should call in sick from work tomorrow, you tried to tell her you'll be fine and having a good night's rest will help.
She disagreed and say its better if you had one day off work to just ease your mind; you thought and agreed she's right, after what happen today you need to take some time for yourself and take a mental health day.
Luckily you're not the type to abuse the 'Call in sick' every time you want a day off.
You told them you're going to shower first then call in sick from work afterwards, wanting to freshen up a bit.
Eric volunteer to get Winton's out and feed him, you thank him and told Winton to follow Eric.
Your grandma ask if you want something to drink, you say either tea or water is fine as you climb upstairs back into your room then in your own bathroom.
Quickly going to the toilet then stripping off your clothes and walked into the tub and close the curtain.
Turning on the water and letting the warm water hit your head and body, getting out a sigh of relief and content; then you grab your body wash to wash your body, rising the soap off then wash your hair with shampoo then add the conditioner.
Within six minutes and washing out all of the conditioner out of your hair, you turn off the water, open the curtain and reach out; grabbing a towel off the towel rack and wrap around your body.
Stepping out of the tub and looked at the mirror; you look a little better and it did help you out.
Deciding not to put on a facial mask/clay mask after your shower like you usually do and dry off your body then grab another towel to dry your hair then did it up into a pony tail/bun/braid.
Exiting out of the bathroom, grabbing both clean underwear, sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt and put them on.
You exit your room and reach the top of the stairs then stop when you hear your grandma and Eric's voices.

Gentle as the Breeze - FujinXReader Scenarios - Mortal Kombat SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now