The camping trip part 1

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Liam's POV

Today I'm taking the lads to the woods to come see this beautiful river that shines like stars and some cool animals. This was our down time before going back on tour and wanted to relax and be normal people for a couple of days.

"So where is this star pool of water at?" Said Niall carrying his gear.

"Just over that hill but we have to hurry before the sunsets." I said putting our stuff in a clearing.

Once our stuff was set up and everyone was ready to go. We ran over the hill to then come in contact with a little girl on other side with a man pulling her over to the river.

"You are worthless piece of s**t, I hope enjoy here because I'm done with you!" Said the man.

"No I said I was sorry plz don't leave mew herew plz Dady!" Said the girl.

With that the man came back and beat girl and told her to never call him that again. He walked back to his truck and drove off. We had been a witnesses to domestic violence, with that Zayn ran into the river bank to the other side to grab the girl. Then once he came back we saw the damages of the girl to basically wanting to cry. So we headed back to the clearing where our stuff was. That's when Zayn took out the first aid kit and took her inside his tent while everyone else gets the fire started and food. Harry did come with Zayn to help her. So that left me, Louis and Niall to do the rest, which was fine I was more worried if she was left there by herself with no one to help her.

Zayn's POV

With that I saw that she was cut up and was burned on her forehead to a lot of bruises all over her body. And blood was everywhere. I called Harry to help me clean her up.

"Oh my gosh, I'm still surprised she's alive right now." Said Harry cleaning up her arms and face.

"I know she's a brave cookie to keep fighting to live." I said pulling out a shirt for her to wear.

Once done wrapping up her head and sewing up the cuts we laid her down in my tent with my jacket as a blanket. Turning off the lamp and headed out to sit with lads to tell them of her condition.

"She was burned on forehead and bruises and cuts all over her body but she now sleeping so we will take to the hospital tomorrow." I said with a water bottle.

"That good to hear but Z where are you going to sleep now?" Asked Liam.

"Well I'm fine in my tent and that someone need to watch her so I'm up for the job." I said with my left hand to my heart.

"Well we should call you doctor Malik for now on." said Harry with his dramatic acting.

With that we where tired and headed to bed. For me once inside she was still asleep so I laid on the left side of her were my sleeping bag was there all scrunched up from the first aid kit and my gear. But once down we all said our goodnights and fell asleep.

The next morning I wake up to see her sleeping on my chest like a puppy. That's when I heard a camera click to make me rise up to see Harry with his phone an took a picture of me and the little girl. Suddenly I felt a pull on my shirt to look down to see her with tears in her eyes. I grabbed her up to my chest to hug her. And she hugged me back, which made my day that much better.

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