Final Memory part 3

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(Day of Roselyn's mothers death)

Third POV

It was raining that night and Jenny was driving home after going to the store to get somethings for the house. Roselyn always went with her mommy to the store to help her.

Roselyn was sleeping since it was board to watch mommy drive on a clear road.....or so they thought.

It was badly outside and the road was getting foggy and that when she thought she saw someone but remember that her mind was tricks on her.

Jenny was a sweet woman and never had any issues with anyone. In fact everyone loves her and strong winds fairness after all she was famous lawyer for England's top elite.

That night was that drunk drivings fault not her daughter's. As drunk driver was 20 mph over the limit the impact was deadly force.

Jenny did stop and went to hold her child close when the impact came her mother said something that will make the difference.

I love you Roselyn and grow up to be strong and love hard.

With that Jenny was the one to save Roselyn that night knowing full well that she will die.

That matter was the fact when Roselyn was released from her mothers hold she was angry and upset that her mom was gone just like that the police had to hold her so she didn't have to see her mother like that.

2 weeks later

The funeral was packed with co-workers and old colleagues since her mothers family was dead in a house fire and her fathers by home invasion. She knew her mothers friends and co-workers but they told her this:

It all the child's fault
Evil spawn
Hellbent demon

Back then her father was on her side before his grieving took over and being drinking and his problems to the point his target was his own flesh and blood.

Roselyn was sad but she knew that mommy didn't hate her but love her and dad. So she kept it to herself and took the abuses until it changes her out going personality into a shell of fear and sorrow.

But for 2 years she dealt with it and now she has a new song or life to live with a Famous Band One Direction.


I'm so happy that I got this done and I'm double updating to finish on time. I can't wait for book two of this story were things get a little more challenging and addictive to read.

I'm going to say sorry for not updating in soooo long, the matter is that I was getting ready to for college this fall and be leaving August 21. So I want to finish before then since I don't know when I have time to write again lol.

But I want to thank you the readers for making this book popular. You guys are awesome and as my lovely readers this means the world to me.

I'm going to ask you as readers to give me your tough questions you want to know about me and characters.

Me: Nekesha (real name)
Allen(crazy dad)
Danielle(crazy ex-girlfriend)
Dr. Peter
Dr. Tayra

So many choices......

But again thanks you guys I will pick five good questions to reveal my answer to for each character and myself.

Comment your questions and vote


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