Famous? ....... Tour?

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Liam POV

When I put rosebud down her bed and closed the door. I went to the lads to talk about what just happened a few moments ago. I was on the other hand was fearful for our angel life.

"What are we going to do? There some crazy wacko trying to get Roselyn." I said trying to keep my shaking to a minimum.

"I know but I think that guy is familiar.....OMG that her crazy psycho father from the woods." Said Harry with his skin gone pale.

We all had silence filled the room, but that was short lived when my phone rang. it was none other than management calling.

(Li->Liam M->Management)

Li- hello

M- hey Liam we need to remind you guys that the tour starts in two days.


M- well we know it was pushed up two weeks for the reason of the sold out concerts.

Li- it not like we have a choice do we?

M- no not in this matter but I'm sorry but let make this our best tour yet. bye Liam

Li- bye

After that when I told the lads this they had the same shock and and anger that I have. but at the same time that how are going to explain this to Roselyn with out scarring her.

This is going to be one tough conversation and week.

Same day still Liam POV

As we all went to see our angel and heart sleeping in her bed. until I had to make this tough decision.

"Wake up sweetie your daddies need to talk with you." I said watch her slowly open her brown eyes.

"Yaes dadies what wrong?" She said with a sad face.

"Nothing Rosey we need to talk with you about are jobs and thing okay." Said Harry hugging our sweet pea.

"Otay" she said with a small smile.

"Okay sweetie us daddies are famous singers and we have go on tour this week." I said trying my best to not scare her.

"What is a famus and towor?" She said in the most beautiful confused face ever.

"A tour is were we go all over the world and sing to people. and famous is something when people really like you for what you can do like singing and dancing." I said putting it in much simpler words.

"Otay dadies when are we leaving?" She said with smile that warm our hearts.

"In two days so you should get some rest and tomorrow we start packing okay." Said Zayn with one of her bears we made for her.

"Otay nite nite dadies." she said as we left.

"Dady Harry can you sleep with me I'm scared of those flashie people comin to get me." She said as Harry gave us nodded that he's good we said our good nights and fell asleep.

The next day (Thursday)

Harry POV

I woke up to see my little Rosey sleeping. so I took a picture of her hugging her pillow to her small body. with that sent to all the lads.

With that I woke her up to see her looking at me with a smile of pure joy. she got off the bed and ran to the bathroom. with that I went to go get her clothes together for today to wear.

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