Memory part 2

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Roselyn age:4(two months before her mothers death)

Roselyn's mom(Jenny) POV

After a check up I was told from the doctor that my only child has a gene that can cause death if not treated early.

"Mrs. Allen your daughter will be injected with an experimental drug called 'Neko-15' it should stop and kill the cancer in her blood."

"Okay thank you Dr. Peter."

"Your welcome so come tomorrow for the shot. but must warn you that this drug has some side effects."

"Like what?"

"This drug has some animal DNA but if any chance if she has any animalistic behaviors please contact us."

"Sure thing, but if that makes her live longer it's all the matter."

-next day-

Afterward the appointment with Dr. Peter, Roselyn was fine she was normal like before.

Later that night my husband and I talked about the doctor's warning about the side effects. but we what ever happens we will love her no matter what.

-one month later-

After getting her last shot from Dr. Peter for this month. and no side effects have came across. but her pulps sometimes slit like cats but go back to normal.

He told me that as long she doesn't show any animalistic behavior she's fine.

I hope so.......


I know it a another filler chapter for the next chapter. this Neko-15 is a cure for blood cancer which Roselyn has. So keep this in mind for the end of this book which will come in five or four more chapters.

So what is your guess on my what animal dna is used for Neko-15?

But again this is apart of the big picture in the end.

With appreciation,

KeshaHeartz19 💝

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