'Relationships' Win some you lose some!

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(Liam flashback 12 hours ago)
Phone call with Danielle at 12pm

"Hey Dani how's everything? I miss you."

"Fine Liam I guess ...."

"What do you mean Dani it's only been a week ago since we met in Japan. what's wrong?"

"Liam I'm ...sick of not having you here. and I'm sorry but your daughter was just plain stupid choice to make."

"Wow Dani I thought you like.....No I mean love Roselyn! She's apart of my life too as her..."

"Your joking right she just some girl you found in the woods and not giving a through but how much that hurts me to find out! Ugh Liam YOUR JUST PLAIN STUPID FOR TAKING A CHILD IN WITHOUT PRECAUTIONS FOR OTHERS. DAMMIT LIAM!"

"I'm done"

"What Liam?"

"You heard me I'm done with you."

"Wow Liam so your sticking with that lost cause of a child then me. GO FUCK YOUR SELF LIAM! HAVE A GREAT FUCKING LIFE DICK!"

End of call

I'm pissed off at her and after I was planning to propose to her after the tour. that bitch just came me at my daughter like that doesn't deserve my love.

But at the same time it hurts like hell to have her in my life for three years to see her come in and break my heart like that. Screw her I'm glad that I have Roselyn in my life. she gave me and the boys a reason to keep doing what were doing.

I need some to talk with lads and Roselyn about this, I'm going to keep it moving and focus on what's important: my daughter, my family and my job.

(Louis flashback 12 hours ago)
Phone call with Eleanor at 12pm

"Hey Lou"

"Hey El"

"What's up you sound sad?"

"El do you love me?"

"What kind of question is that Lou you know I do."

"No I mean more like you 'love' me?"



"Lou.... I'm sorry but not that way anymore I'm so sorry..(weeping)"

"Hey don't cry El it not your fault."

"Yes it is! I fell out of love with my boyfriend."

"El don't worry I still love you even if it's just friends."

"Are you sure what about Roselyn? Wouldn't she be upset to find out that we are not together?"

"El give her some credit she will understand and besides it not like your not see her again."

"Your right Lou I wish I was there to help break down the news with you."

"It's okay El, me and the lads will do it and make sure that you love her and be coming to see her soon."

"Your the best father ever."

"Thanks and your the best friend I ever have."

"Nite Lou"

"Nite El"

That went well even if Eleanor and I are friends. I know the lads and Roselyn will understand. Life on the road is tough but having great support with you makes it worth wild.

(Zayn flashback 12 hours ago)
Phone call with Perrie at 12pm


"Peri are you up?"

"Yeah I'm up what's wrong is it Roselyn? Did she get kidnapped again? Oh please God don't tell me that...."

"Peri calm down! Roselyn is fine she sleeping in my room."

"Aww thank goodness Zayn I thought I have to come down there and beat the crap out you guys for doing that again!"


"Hey she's my baby girl and if her daddies can keep her safe then I was going to get her and take care of her myself."



"I love you"

"I love you too! So why call me at 5am in the morning?"

"I wanted to say that when we get to have a break I'm bringing Roselyn with me to see you and family."

"Really Zayn!"

"Yes really! And there might be a surprise as well."

"What is it! I want to know now Zaynie."

"Nope it's a surprise so you have to wait until next month."

"Aww! That's too long!"

"Well I have to go I think Roselyn is having a nightmare again."

"Aww my poor baby girl tell her I love her and can wait to see her."

"Okay Peri love you."

"Love you too."

With that I went to Roselyn to wake her up. it took about a minute or so but she sprang up with tears.

This causes me to hug her to know she's with me and no where else. I hear her little heart beat with a fast pace. I then look down to see those big brown eyes that was fill with tears.

"Roselyn do you want to tell me what happened?"

"No you might laugh at me for it."

"Now Roselyn I would never laugh at you so tell me please baby girl."

"Fine....I was with you and the rest of my daddies and where having a tea party outside in the park.....that's until all these people with flashy lights came after us..... I was running with you until I fell and they attack me-e daddy I'm scared-d."

I knew what she was talking about it was the paps with their cameras and lights. looked her and put a small smile on my face.

"Roselyn it okay sweetheart, me and your dads are going to keep you safe with some help from Paul and the security team. so don't worry okay."

That said she stopped crying and I hugged her. she let go to see her face with a genuine smile. I miss those smiles, as I looked at the clock to see it 1:35 am. so I laid down Roselyn to have her back on my chest as we both said good morning and fell to sleep.


Hey readers,

I'm glad to say that this is a filler chapter for the next one.

So please don't kill me for how the relationship went again this is a fanfic.(nothing is real!!)

Again I'm sorry for not updating like I should it just been a hard to make my writing good enough so you guys and gals to read it.

So the way I ended this was sweet and cute.

*Awwww the feels*

So again please take my challenge or not. *Still love you*

And to say that if you guys and gals like it should I do a SEQUEL to this book?

But again thanks for reading this story and commenting and voting.

One last thing:

Who's your favorite character in this book so far and why?

With love,


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