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He stared at the empty desk. He knew it was bad, but not this bad. His heart drops as he fears the worse. She quit because of him. 

-A Week Ago- 

Courtney and Shayne were hanging out at a park since it was really the only place to go when in quarantine. Since they got back from Australia, they only saw each other through various video chats. Sure they texted and called, but getting together was important especially with how things were in Australia.

Courtney had told Shayne she had feelings for him. Shayne hadn't even considered the idea and he told her as much. Shayne had told her he would think about it and let her know where his head was. But before they could figure anything else out, they were both stuck alone in their separate homes. 

Shayne had been thinking. He wanted to tell Courtney where he's at, but wanted to wait until he saw her in person, she deserves as much. 

Shayne set up the last of the picnic he packed. Courtney and Shayne were always able to talk better over a meal. He had finished laying the last item when Courtney found him. 

Food was eaten and they caught up on small talk, writing, work, and everything else. Both were avoiding the elephant in the room. Courtney finally got annoyed at Shayne's avoidance. He didn't have to like her back, but she did need something. 

"Shayne, don't avoid it. Where are you at?" Courtney asks anxiously. 

"My answer is that I don't have a concrete answer." He pauses. "I know you need something, but I don't know how I feel." 

"I think I am just going to take that as a no and be on my way. Thank you for the picnic," Courtney gathers her things. Before I can react, she's gone. 

What did I do?


Ian just announced the news. Courtney sent him a video to post on the channel and she quit. Olivia glares at me. I wonder who else knows this is all my fault. I see Damien giving me a sympathetic look, but I don't deserve it. 

I have only been here 15 minutes, but I pack my things and leave. I don't tell anyone where I'm going, but they probably know. 

I knock on the door to her apartment. She looks through the window. "Shayne, go away." She yells. 

"No. I didn't get to tell you everything. Besides if anyone quits, it should be me not you." 

She opens the door to let me in. "You have five minutes." 

"I might not know how I feel about you romantically, but I do know you are my best friend. You are one of the most important people in my life. I'm talking about family and Damien's level of importance." 

 Barely take a breath as I continue. "Come back to Smosh. I'll quit or work with Ian so you never have to see me again. I'll never talk to you again if that's what it takes to stop you from giving up something you love. It will probably kill me, but it's better than you giving up your passion." 

"Don't let Ian post that video. I'm sorry I don't know how I feel about you romantically. I know I trust you, we communicate well, we support each other, we push each other to be better, and you make me happy. I know we have the foundations of a relationship. After all, you are my best friend." 

I start to wrap up my speech. "I don't know how I feel about you romantically because I haven't been in a scenario too. I was hoping the picnic would help." I turn to face the door. "Thank you for giving me five minutes. I'll see myself out." 

I start walking to the door.

"Wait," Courtney exclaims. 

I rest my hand on the doorknob, afraid to look back. 

"You'd quit for me? You'd put in all that effort so I wouldn't quit?" I can hear the shock in her voice. 

I turn to face her. "Of course, I care about you. I might not know enough to say whether or not I'm in love with you, but I know I love you. You're my partner in crime. Smosh would be missing a lot of talent if you leave." 

"You... you love me?" She whispers. 

"Always have, Courtbort. I just don't know if it's romantically or not." I don't know where I stand and it's scaring me. 

"Shayne, I... I thought you avoiding this was the end of everything. I couldn't stand to see you if you couldn't be the friend I thought you were." Courtney begins. 

"Well, I was wrong. You aren't the friend I thought you were. You are a million times better. You'd seriously give up Smosh for me?" 

"Seriously, Courtney. You're talented. My screw up shouldn't affect your future." I say sincerely.  

Courtney stops to think. She pulls her phone out. She puts the phone up to her ear. "Hello, Ian? Don't post the video. That is if you'll still have me. That's great. Yes, I'll talk to you more later. Bye Ian." 

Now it's my turn to be shocked. 

She pats the other side of the couch. "Come on frog legs, sit down. Let's talk like we used to." 

Courtney still didn't have an exact answer, but I didn't lose Courtney and that's all that matters. 

AN: I like where this ended, but I think I might write more along this story line. Hope you enjoy it.

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