Bobby Love

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Some of you are probably too young to know about the Naked Brothers Band and how awesome that series was. This is based on the Battle of the Bands episode where another band cones in for a charity event and Nat's jealousy gets the best of him. While this doesnt exactly follow the episode, it does mirror Bobby Love stealing Rosalina's music.

I don't know about you guys, but I was obsessed with The Naked Brothers Band and shipped Nat and Rosalina (Allie) constantly. That's where the Natalie comes from. Toler is from Topp and Miller. Just in case you were curious.

Anyways, here's my Smosh version of stolen music. So, I'm sorry for the many POV switches, I couldn't make this one work how I wanted it to.


Courtney's POV:

I leaned up against the back of the set trying not to lose it. They weren't filming in here today, so it was the perfect place to hide. I'm angry and ashamed. My ex boyfriend's YouTube channel uploaded a version of the skit that Smosh was going to post today.

My ex is an asshole, but I never could have predicted this. The fact he stole a video script adds to the many reasons we broke up. To make matters worse, it was one Shayne had spent so much time and energy writing, directing and even helping with the editing. He was so passionate about the idea only for it to be stolen.

I know Shayne is looking for me, but I can't face him. He's the last person I want mad at me, especially right now. Shayne had been by my side since the night I found out my ex cheated. My exes' reason was because Shayne and I were "sleeping together" behind my ex's back. We never had, but my ex constantly projected and started fights over his jealousy of Shayne and I's friendship.

He told me to pick between him or Shayne and of course I chose Shayne. Why wouldn't I choose my best friend? Plus, who wants a cheater for a partner. I never cheated on my ex and I picked the one I trusted and who has my back.

I cry silently hoping to stay hidden until I can get myself together, or at least enough to calm the anger. All I know is that Ian decided to switch the videos and was still figuring it out when I ran out of the room.

-Flashback to 10 minutes earlier-

Ian comes into the bullpen, furious. Ian storms over to me. I saw the video, Olivia sent it to me. I knew what was coming.

"Ian, what's going on?" Shayne says, trying to diffuse the situation.

"The asshole posted your video Shayne, well their shitty version," I say, wishing I could go back in time.

"Courtney, what do you know?" Ian asks, trying to contain his frustration.

"I know nothing about this. I don't even think I ever showed him any scripts. I'm so sorry. I don't know how this could have happened." I blurt out while on the verge of tears.

Ian seems to believe me and quickly goes to the editors and producers to see what we can post instead. I don't wait around, I bolt from the room. All I hope is that Shayne isn't mad and won't follow me. I can't face him.


Shayne's POV:

"Courtney? Courtney, where are you?" I call. I have to find her. That asshole has hurt her and she doesn't deserve to feel guilty over this. I know she blames herself.

I hear the sobbing stop. "Courtney, I know you think I'm mad. I am, but not at you. At that loser who went through your things." I plead.

"Courtney, please. I'll leave you alone if that's what you really want, but please talk to me." I felt my eyes start to water. I just want her to talk to me. I don't want her hurting because she thinks I'm mad at her.

Another Shourtney one-shot collection. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz